Chapter 15: Protecting The Princess

The night was cold and frigid. There ain't no stars up above and the moon was covered by thick, dark clouds. The surroundings are peaceful, quiet but still, Alice can hear the awful howl of the undead.

She can't deny the fact that she was hurt and disappointed with what Billy did. She can't accept either that her father, King Sulliman killed Billy's father.

"Your majesty, it's too cold and so I brought you a cup of coffee and potatoes." Sahara showed up, carrying a tray with peeled potatoes and coffee.

Alice gasped and looked in the opposite direction. There is something strange in Sahara. Like, her blood is the same as her blood.

Cartlon who's standing away from Alice watches Sahara. He felt pity for the young lady.

Sahara has been standing before the princess but yet, she's not accepting it. Her hands were shaking and she can drop the tray anytime soon.

"Thank you! What is your name, young lady?" Cartlon asked her.

Sahara replied shyly, "I am Sahara, your honor. My parents were invaded by the zombies but fortunately, I'll be able to escape and saved myself."

He sips the coffee and shook his head lightly. It was tasteful and savory. "Don't lose hope, starting now you can stay with us, with the Princess."

Sahara lifted up her head and smiled. She looks like an angel with broken wings, her hazel eyes were too deep and lonely.

"Thank you, your honor! I'll be going back inside." Sahara clasped her hands and rubs it to be warm. On the right side, Cartlon made a bonfire for them not to be cold outside of the house.

It was safe since they are far from the populated area of Alicesha. Alice watches the fireflies as they fly around at the tall, big trees.

"I felt something that I can't explain with Sahara." Finally, she broke the deafening silence between them.

Cartlon swallowed what he's gnawing and replied, "She looks like a princess. I mean, she has royal blood."

"You're right. But, it's not what I meant Cartlon. When she looked at me, shocked and surprised, I felt like she's my other half. I don't know! Perhaps, I'm too exhausted finding Shaotzie."

Cartlon sipped the coffee and gasped. "Here, you need to be warm, your majesty." He lends to her the coffee and two remaining potatoes.

She wants coffee yesterday, but Alice is still looking for her mother's coffee. It was beyond delicious and luscious.

"Thank you." She said.

The coffee was not too hard to drink. Alice sipped and turned her gaze at Cartlon.

"There's something wrong with your coffee? You looked stunned and shocked."

"No! This is mother's coffee. I mean, it has the same taste and aroma!" Alice swallowed it all and put the cap back on the tray. She breathes deeply and warmly.

"What are we going to do, now? We don't know where is Shaotzie and what happened to her a while ago."

Alice looked away and sighed. She has no idea too, but she can feel it through her body that Shaotzie is safe. That someone might save her and kept her in a safe, warm place.

"Billy told me that he brought Shaotzie here. If one of the survivors helped her, then she will be going back to Billy's house. Instead of looking Shaotzie, we will wait here no matter what." Alice told him.

Cartlon agrees with Alice's idea. It would be better to stay and if Shaotzie will not return in two weeks then their plan will be changed. "But, what if Shaotzie didn't return? What will we do next, Alice?"

"Then, we will look for her. Wherever and whatever it takes. We need to find the mage too as we look for Shaotzie."

"You're right. But, what will you do when we finally found the mage?" Cartlon asked out of nowhere.

Alice gave him an abrupt laugh but halted upon glancing at him. "I'll convince him/her to save my people, to cure everyone and I'll give him/her everything as an exchange."

"Well, that's good. I am just wondering if anyone in the palace is all safe. Caliek, Catthia, and the little boy I saved the other day. How I really wish that this catastrophe will end up sooner or later." Alice added.

Cartlon stared at her and replied, "Your birthday is coming, and as what the king promised, you will be crowned as Queen of Alicesha."

It's June, and in December Alice will be crowned and will ascend to the throne of her late father.

Alice sighed deeply and throw some small branches of trees into the fire. She was seating on a big log in the facade of the house. "Yes. But, I want to end this before the royal crowning. I don't want to see zombies at the reception hall."

Cartlon laughs bitterly at her and said, "Perhaps you dreamt to have walking dead guests and visitors."

Alice throws a branch into Cartlon while glaring at him sharply. Later on, she burst into a peal of loud, warm laughter.

"Thank you for everything," Alice told him all of a sudden. The laughter that plaster on her face shroud by a serious and bold expression.

Cartlon halted too and replied, "It's my pleasure to serve you with loyalty and allegiance, your majesty."

"And, I don't have any plan to break and wreck my promises to King Sulliman. That I'll stay at your side no matter what happened. That I'll fulfill my duties and responsibilities as the right hand of Queen." He bowed and sit next to the princess.

He's been keeping and hiding his feeling towards Alice. It's been a long time since they talk like this, serious and real. Cartlon looked at her pale face as Alice glanced at the other side.

"Alice, I know it's not the right time but..." He paused and have a long sighed and courage to confess.

Alice turns her gaze and their eyes met. Cartlon's eyes were full of sincerity and compassion while Alice's eyes were full of fear and uncertainty. "Cartlon."

Slowly, he came closer to the princess and they both smell their warm breaths. Cartlon leaned his left hand as their heads touch.

Alice wants to push him away and tell him what she truly feels. But, she can't bear to see someone feeling rejected and hurt. She can't do it, especially to Cartlon.

"Swordsman!" Billy called Cartlon without knowing that there's going on between him and the princess.

Cartlon sits back properly and looks at him, sharply.

"Oh! I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to disturb, your majesty." Billy said blunderingly and went back inside, giggling alone and everything was screwed up.


As soon as they reach the refuge, Shaotzie saw warriors bowed to Zeln. Perhaps, it is viable that he is really a Prince.

"Your majesty!" They said and bowed in chorus. They were wearing iron armor and they have swords at their left side.

One of them looked at me and whispers something to Zeln. "Who's that young lady?"

Zeln shrugged his shoulders and answered shortly, "Younger Princess of Alicesha, Shaotzie. Kindly, assists her for a while, Zach."

Shaotzie was referring to Zach. He's handsome but Zeln is more good looking than him. "It's my honor to meet you, Princess Shaotzie." Zachary smiled at the young lady. 

"It's my pleasure, either way. By any chance, does Zeln is a Prince?" Shaotzie asked innocently and tried to see him but he's nowhere to be found.

Zachary burst into a sarcastic laugh and said, "Zeln is a Prince of Atlantis. But, we lived here for about two decades and I didn't saw you ever since."

The young lady shook her head and looked around. Realizing that they were in an abandoned house. At the entrance, they put sharpened and polished bamboo and steels. The house was surrounded by barricades as their protection against the walking dead.

"I'm glad to meet you too, swordsman." She replied.

Zachary guided her inside and show her a temporary room. It was quite huge just like her royal bedroom. She stared at the closed window on her right side. "Your honor, starting tonight you will be staying here. Don't worry, we will serve you. Right now, take a nap and rest."

"Thank you! I'm glad of your warm welcome. Don't worry, as soon as I meet my elder sibling, I'll tell her everything and about your kindness."

Zachary smiled and replied, "Really? You will tell the Queen about this?"

She shook her head while playing with her soft fingers.

"All right! If you need anything, you can approach me, your honor."

"Thank you for helping me out!" Shaotzie uttered as she waves her hand at him.

Zachary walked quietly into Zeln's room. It was locked up. He knocks on the door and said "Zeln? This is me!"

Zeln hesitated to open it, what if Zachary found out that he was bitten? That any time soon the virus will spread unconquerable and he will be one of them.

"Come in. I have something to show you."

Zachary entered and looked at the prince hesitantly. "You looked paled. Is there something that I need to know about?"

The Prince turned his head and took off the gauntlet. He's still thinking whether he confides it to Zach or not.

"You need to know about an important matter, Zach. Your the only person whom I can trust with and if something happened to me, look for my mother and came back to Atlantis with her."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Promise me, Zachary! Promise me that you will protect the Princess. My mother and my men." He told Zachary. Zeln steps closer to the couch and seated.

He folded up his trousers and his tighs were shown. Zachary walks closer to him and stared intently.

"I was bitten by the zombie earlier. No one knows about this except you. That's why I'm telling this, Zach. We all know that anytime soon, I will become a zombie too."

Zachary can't believe what he saw and what he heard. The wound in his tighs looks horrible and nasty.

"No! It will never occur!  Zeln, look at me! Trust in yourself, for pete's sake!"

"Just do it, Zach. I don't have much time."

Prince Zeln told him as he prepared himself to evolve and to harm others.