Chapter 18: Hopeless and Desperate

~ At Billy's House ~

Billy can't still believe what he just saw earlier. Cartlon was about to kiss the princess when he abruptly showed up and screwed up everything.

"Goodness! What should I do?" He walked back and forth at his room while looking down at the floor.

Billy didn't stop squirming, thinking about what to say tomorrow morning. He still owes Cartlon for saving him from the undead.

"Billy? Are you the–"

"What?" Billy immediately opened the door without letting Sahara finished what she's about to say.

Sahara was shocked and surprised by his not– so– good action.

Before, she won't agree with Princess Shaotzie's first impression of Billy. That he's arrogant and lack of discipline and domain.

"Amm. I... I came here to... ask where's Princess Shaotzie? Is she dead? Or is she become a zombie? Or she was eaten by those hungry and ridiculous eating-flesh monsters? Tell me, Billy! Tell me!"

"Ask me one at a time, Sahara. Understood?" The young woman nods her head obediently.

"Also, don't come closer to me, like what you are doing right now." He told the poor young lady, who's desperate of truth and certainty. "Sit first, so I can tell you everything that happened earlier."

Sahara followed Billy and take a sit in front of him. She put her hands into her chest and embraces it.

"Billy! You're keeping me wait!" She exclaimed.

"Princess Shaotzie and I went to the nearby food store as what we planned. Upon reaching the area, she heard a man's voice heading and was lurking in the store. But..."

Sahara said, "But what?!" She's a too excited and short-tempered girl.

Billy narrowed his eyes at her and replied, "Let me finish first Sahara! Please, you need to learn how to be patient, for goodness sake!"

"I'm sorry! I am just afraid of what happened to Princess Shaotzie." He told him in a low and sad tone.

"She told me that the man's voice is familiar but I told Princess Shaotzie to stay and hide back. Fortunately, she agreed with my plan; and so the Princess hid at the abandoned house while I walked into the store alone."

"To make the story short, Cartlon catches me eavesdropping and so I told him that I want food and water. I told him that I am one of many survivors, then Princess Alice let me in."

He paused for a while, like forcing himself to sink in the phenomena. To accept everything that people are facing and trying to overcome.

"Then I've told them about you and Princess Shaotzie. But, you know what Sahara? I choose to lie to the Princess because of pain and grief that was entrenched in my heart and soul all my life. I thought seeking an avenge of my father's death is reasonable but I am all wrong Sahara. I'm wrong."

The young woman felt a sudden sympathy toward Billy. She stood up from the couch and walk nearer to him.

"I don't know and feel how much it hard and hurts Billy. But one thing that I'm sure about is, you are a good person. You possessed an audacious soul and a kind heart but it was buried a long time ago because of pain, hatred, and avenge." Sahara said.

Billy, in a sudden way, stare at her like he used to stare at Princess Shaotzie. There's something in her eyes that he can't be sure of, something like a mystery that embraces her soul and spirit.

"Sahara," Billy uttered her name softly. As if, he's afraid to commit a mistake by calling her beautiful and can name.

"No!" He suddenly pushes her away, and Sahara stumbled and fall into the floor.

She looks at him, shocked and surprised. "Billy."

"I am sorry! I... I didn't mean to push you that way!"

Sahara tried to stand and speak. "It's... It's fine!"

Billy tried to help her but Sahara exclaimed, "I'm fine!"

"Perhaps, you need to rest and sleep."

Billy steps his right foot, trying to reach her arms. But, Sahara steps back and crossed her arms out of fear.

"I am really sorry, Sahara and maybe, you are right," Billy told the young woman and went off to unwind.

Sahara turned her back and watch Billy walks away from her. "He's acting mysterious lately."

She whispered and went out from Billy's room, confused and distracted.


"Where are you going?"

Alice stood up, giggling, and walked into the house. She left Cartlon, still sitting into the log.

"It's late, and I need to rest Cartlon."

"But, we're talk–"

"Good night Cartlon! Have a sweet and wonderful dream!"

Princess Alice told him and Cartlon followed her even though it's against his will.

As she walked nearer, Alice saw the young woman lying at the settee. She was sleeping peacefully and her face was calm and gentle.

"Who are you, Sahara?" She whispered while staring at the sleeping Sahara.

"Alice, where are we–"

She put her finger into his lips and said, "Quiet! Everyone is sleeping at this hour except us."

"I'm sorry. But, why are you staring at Sahara since you met her earlier?"

The princess gulped and looked up at the old ceiling. "I felt something warm and– I can't explain it with exact words Cartlon! Sahara, I felt like I've met her before but I can't recall."

"Perhaps, being tired and too worried can affect a person's emotions and feelings. Alice, listen to me."

Caliek touches her shoulders and let her face him. "Sahara is an ordinary young woman in Alicesha. Nothing more, nothing less."

"No! There's must be an answer with my questions and instincts Cartlon! Look at her, she's too beautiful and adorable. Isn't she?"

"Good night, your majesty." He told her and walked into the vacant couch in front of Sahara.

Cartlon didn't bother to take off his sword and greaves. He clasped his hands and put it into his head and closed his eyes.

For the nth time, Princess Alice glances at Sahara. She smiled upon staring at her crimson, thin lips.

Alice was too hopeless and desperate to find Shaotzie That's why probably, she looks at Sahara as if she was her real sister.

"Can I touch your hair, Sahara?" She asked as if there's someone who will reply.

Alice couldn't stop herself from not touching Sahara's hair. It was smooth, shiny, and fragrant the same as Shaotzie.

"Princess Alice?!"

All of a sudden, Sahara wakes up and saw the Princess staring at her.

"Ah... Ah... I was about to sleep when I saw an insect in your hair." The Princess mumbles.

"Oh! Thank you so much, your highness!" The innocent woman stood up and bowed to her majesty.

"Go back to sleep, Sahara! It's still early to wake up." She told her gently.

Sahara couldn't speak anything. As if her tongue was twisted.

Yet, she can't believe that the Princess is talking to her at this hour. Alice is still awake and staring at her for no reason.

"Goodness! Why I'm feeling this way?" Sahara touches his chest and lay back, without knowing that Alice can see her, still.