Chapter 20: A Terrific Nightmare (Special Chapter)

~ Alice's Point of View ~

I was walking into an unfamiliar place, alone but comfortable. I looked at myself, realizing that I'm wearing a plain, and see-through white cloak matched with an ancient pair of shoes.

I looked around and the place was surrounded by beautiful and blooming flowers and buds. I could see the group of bees sipping on it.

The birds singing and colorful butterflies flying around. "Where I am?" I uttered.

It looks like a sanctuary, a paradise to be exact.

"Can anyone hear me?" I said in a loud voice but still, there's no one answered.


"Alice!" I turned my head and search for someone who called me by my name.


"Who are you?!" I started to panic, and to feel afraid and frightened.

"Come with me, Alice!" The voice came from my back but I can see no one.

I replied, "Where are you?!"

"At your back, Alice."

Without a doubt, I turned my head and I saw a beautiful woman standing before me. She was wearing a white dress, the same as a Goddess.

"Who are you?!" I narrowed my eyes at her as I am curious about her real name, her identity.

The woman smiled genuinely, and replied, "You know who I am, Alice. Come with me, I have something to show you."

She began to take a step, but there's a doubt in my heart. There's a question in my head that I'm not certain if I'll ask her to leave it that way.

"Why would I trust you?"

She halted from walking and didn't bother to face me.

"You've trusted me for the rest of your royal life, Alice." She told me in a soft, and sluggish way.

It seems like the woman enchanted me for the sake of her motives and intentions. I couldn't understand myself for following her steps, either too.

I sighed deeply as I walk behind the gorgeous and enhancing woman.

I was mesmerized by the rare place, and I asked her, "Where are we? You know what, I've never been in this solace and quiet place in my whole life."

I heard the woman abrupt laugh and said, "You lived here when you were a young, Alice. In due time, you will remember all those memories."

The woman became strange as I ask a lot of queries. I then lowered my head and watch my steps to a place that I don't remember.

Upon walking, we heard a loud thunderstorm from nowhere. It was horrible, wild, and disastrous. It can even harm and oppress a person.

"We need to hurry up, Alice!" The woman became frightened and began to panic. I know its not normal, but I don't know what is going on!

I stared at her strangely enough and replied, "What do you mean? It was only a thunderstorm, for heaven's sake!"

"It was not as simple as what you think Alice! A thunderstorm is a sign of death and loss. So now, we need to reach my niche before he captured you!"

Even though I am confused with the happenings, I let the woman grab my wrist and guide me into a better and safe place she was referring to.

"Ohh! My shoe!" I exclaimed upon staring at my shoe afar from me. "Don't walk back, Alice! Let it be!" She told me but it has a sentimental value that I can't bear to leave my shoe in this kind of place.

"Aliiiice!" She screamed loudly and there's a trace of fear and panic in her voice.

As I get back my shoe, my eyes widened when I saw a man behind her. The man was wearing a black and long cloak with a veil.

"Leave her alone, Tamiel!" She tried to escape but the man was wringing her tightly.

"Who are you?" I asked him with confidence and fear in my heart.

The man gave me an abrupt laugh and said, "You can't find anymore what you are seeking, Princess Alice!"

I felt scared and alarmed when he said those words. I remembered Shaotzie, the elusive mage that I've been looking for.

No! He's telling an untruth to me! It can't be!

"Alice, don't trust him! He's a traitor and he is a killer!"

But in a glimpse, the woman's body was dropped into the grassy ground with her eyes opened and dead.

I can't believe that he killed her with a dagger without warning and mercy. He's cruel! A murderer!

"Now, it is your turn to be killed, Princess Alice."

The man glared at me sharply. Like he was ready to attack and twirled my neck with the dagger. But, I can't let him touch nor hurt me.

"You can't win against me, young lady. You are a wimp and vulnerable princess just like your mother, and father."

"You killed them! You killed my parents! You are a murderer!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but it didn't work.

He walked nearer, closer to be enough for him to hurt me. "It's now or never!"

In a prowl move, the man pulled my hair and punch my gut. It was too strong and tough.


"Nooooo!" I uttered as I tried to crawl backward.

"No! Don't do it!" I said but he was full of anger and determination.

For the last time, I beg him for mercy. "Please, I'm begging you!"

"The throne shall fall into my hands and you shall have vanished in the earth, Alice!"

"Alice, you and the elusive mage will meet at the right time but on a gloomy day!" The woman told me, even though she's dead.

And that was the last thing I remembered.


"Perhaps, you need a cup of tea, your majesty. So, I brought you one." Sahara lends it to me with concern in her face.

I replied, "Thank you!"

Cartlon turned his gaze on me and said, "It was just a dream, Alice. It's not true and there's no one can harm nor kill you."

"He's right, your majesty. You are safe and secured with him."

"I hope so, Sahara," I replied. "Oh! Where is Billy?"

Cartlon and Sahara looked at each other with their mouth open. "Hey! Where is Billy?"

"He's at... He's at your back, sharpening and polishing his weapon." Cartlon answered me in an odd way.

I stood up and walks nearer to the young man who's busy. "Billy," I said.

"Good morning, your majesty! I was listening to your terrific nightmare while doing this."

Billy lift up the piece of cloth he was grasping and the weapon he used the other day. "Oh! Can I help you?"

The young man looked at me shocked and surprised. "No! I... mean, yes you can, your majesty."

By then, Billy and I burst into laughter.