Chapter 22: Turning Into A Monster (2)

~ At Billy's House ~

While eating breakfast together with the Princess, Cartlon suggests to Alice that he and Billy will search around the forest.

They will look if there are survivors who are hiding and suppressing themselves into a safe and secure place.

Alice sighed deeply and said, "I want to come with you but I can't leave Sahara here, alone."

"Don't worry about me, your majesty. I can... I can manage myself and I know zombies will not going to attack me here."

Sahara told the princess cheerfully as if she was never been chased by one of them.

"No! I will stay here with you and Cartlon, please protect Billy because if there's a bad thing happened to him, I will never forgive you." She told him with a small laugh in her face.

Cartlon replied, "I'll use Billy as bait, and then I will be running rashly back here without saving Billy. What do you think, Sahara?"

The young woman giggles secretly as no one allowed to make a loud noise. She said, "Zombies will not bother to eat Billy since he has no flesh. Right, Mr. Swordsman?"

Billy narrowed his eyes and said, "Pardon me, Sahara?" 

"Easy! Easy Billy! The young woman is throwing a parody to you. Right, Sahara?" Cartlon burst into a silent laugh at Billy and touches his flat stomach.

"Hey! Stop it, Cartlon!" Princess Alice warned the whimsical swordsman.

Billy added one piece of potato and peeled it off, then he said, "I didn't know that you are a good and legendary humorist, Sahara."

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment Billy."

"And the conversation ended up." Princess Alice uttered and gnawed.

Sahara replied, "I am a considerable girl, Billy. And so, I am praying for your safety, and may you bless with a strong and tough fate."

"Thank you!" The young boy mumbled and smiled at her.

Cartlon thought of the elusive mage they've been waiting and searching for.

He said, "Anyway, I remembered about the elusive mage. Does anyone knows about it?"

Billy, Sahara looked at each other eyes and shook their head in chorus.

Cartlon raised his eyebrows and said, "What's wrong with my question?" Then, he continued chewing his potato.

Princess Alice ate up the potatoes on her plate before speaking. 

"By any chance, do you have any idea or even a piece of small information about the mage?"


Billy answered straightforward, "No, your majesty. I never heard about the cure or even that elusive mage before!"

"I know something about it, your majesty." Sahara suddenly confessed.

She clasped her hands and put it on her lap. "My father, before he was victimized by the zombies. He told me something..."

Princess Alice, Cartlon and Billy, leaned closer to Sahara. They were waiting for what she will going to let out.

"Your father told you something and...?" Princess Alice can't wait any longer to hear her story.

How she wishes that Sahara can help them to figure out where they can find the mage who can conquer the infectious virus.

Sahara gasped and take some minutes to have the courage to tell what she knows about it.

"That a mage is an ordinary person, and father told me that he is a man. That's what I know, your majesty." 

Billy asked, "How did your father jump into that kind of conclusion? I mean, what are the proof that we can tell that a particular man is a mage itself?"

Cartlon shook his head as he agreed to Billy's straightforward query.

It's not easy to identify and to specify a person who possesses the cure.

It's never been that easy.

Sahara's lips were trembling and she was wavering if she would tell the story about the little boy's bluish blood that is related to the elusive mage.


Notice: Scene from the previous Chapter.

"Stay away from here, Shaotzie! Zachary will protect and bring you back to your sister!" For the last moment, Prince Zeln as a human told her to escape.

Zeln became too paled and scary. His wound became rotten and lousy that makes him transform into an awful zombie.

"Kill the infected Prince! That's an order!" Captain Saquiel ordered.

Zachary has no choice but to stay beside the Princess. Danial began to sheathed his sword and prepare himself to attack the prince.

"Princess Shaotzie!" Zachary exclaimed when the princess run towards the prince and covered him.

She was breathing deeply; she was afraid and frightened but Shaotzie hid it all.

"Stay away from the prince, young woman if you don't wish to be killed by my men!" Captain Saquiel sheathed his weapon too as he looked at her, sharply and seriously.

Shaotzie shook her head side to side with open arms. "No! You can't kill him!"

But Saquiel began to lost his control. He said, "Kill the prince, now!"

"Yaaah!" Two swordsmen began to attack the prince. He then moved in a quick motion and he placed Shaotzie on his back.

"Zachary! You have to escape from here, now!" As the virus began to revamp the prince, he screamed and tried to block the enemy's swords.

Zachary immediately heaves his weapon from its sheath and walks closer to Zeln.

He grabs Shaotzie's hand and began to evade when Danial blocked the way.

"As the right hand of Prince Zeln, I am ordering you to stay out of my way!"

Danial without warning swipes his weapon into Zachary's leg that leaves a small cut on it.

Danial step back and waited for him to stand. "You shall know your place, Danial!"

Zachary stood up and attacked Danial. He turns around with him and twirled the sharp blade into his neck.

Blood splashes and slowly, Danial falls into the ground, bleeding and dying to death.

"Cap...tain Sa...quiel! Heee... lp meee!"

But its too late for the Captain to help his right hand, Danial. He's dead with a wounded neck.

"Captain Saquiel!" One of his men called him and pointed Zeln.

He was transforming into a real zombie. His eyes turned white and he began to act like them.

"Grrrrgh!" The prince roared ridiculously and dreadfully. He becomes totally a zombie.

Princess Shaotzie was standing behind Zachary while covering her mouth in disbelief.

Her eyes were widened and her body was trembling because of fear. "Let's go!" Zachary told her but she couldn't move her feet.

"No! We won't leave him alone, swordsman!"

Zachary closes his eyes out of frustration. How can he convince a hard-headed princess?

"Ruuuuuuuun!" For the last time, Prince Zeln groaned as he struggled to fight against his traitors men.

Princess Shaotzie burst into tears seeing him. But she can't do anything to save the infected and flesh-eating monster.