Chapter 24: Turning Into A Monster (3.2)

~ Princess Shaotzie's point of View ~

"Ruuuuuuuun!" For the last time, Prince Zeln groaned as he struggled to fight against his traitors' men.

He moved slowly and blocked the enemy's attack. But Prince Zeln cannot defeat them by himself.

I just watch him act like a heartless and emotionless walking dead. Prince Zeln bite the last one of the opponents.

He then looked up at the remaining Captain who's gripping his sword upright and was ready to kill the prince.

Behind me was the right of Prince Zeln. He was convincing me to run away and leave the infected Prince, alone and to be killed by the King's apostate servant.

"Princess Shaotzie, we need to hurry up! Prince Zeln will invade us any time soon!"

I turned my back and face him with determination and courage in me. I couldn't bear the prince to have vanished like this. Because I know, there's a cure to nullify this apocalypse.

"We need to save and protect the Prince as he protects us, Swordsman! I know, Princess Alice is looking for the mage at this moment. That's why, we need to fight and kill our real enemy, the walking dead and Captain Saquiel."

"Forgive me, your majesty. Yet, you gave me no choice but to end your life. As my promise to the King, I have saved and protect the Prince but I don't want him to suffer anymore. That I took his life away because I need to and I was forced by your right hand, Zachary."

I felt this kind of hatred and negative energy towards Captain Saquiel. He burst into a mischievous laugh and swipes his sword without indecision.

How dare he try to kill his majesty! He shall be punished and be hang to death. "How dare you to show discourtesy in front of the son of your King?! Drop your weapon, or I'll twirl your neck, Captain!"

"No! Don't do it, Princess Shaotzie!"

Zachary exclaimed and tried to stop me from having a sword that was thrust into an enemy bloody body.

I earn a lot of energy and pulled it to make it free. "It's too late for you to stop me, Young Princess. Watch me, Swordsman, and vulnerable princess as I cut off the Prince's head in front of you!"

Captain Saquiel stabbed the prince while grinning.

"How dare you!" In a prowl move, Zachary walks closer to him and swipe the weapon into the air.

He then sighed deeply when Captan Saquiel blocked his attack by his sword.

"You shall not kill the Prince, Saquiel!" By then, Zachary steps back one step and turned around as he swirled his weapon.

Then, he jags it to Saquiel's back that made him embrace himself and stumbled upon realizing he got a wound.

I took a long breath, watching the Prince covering his wounded paunch. "Grrrggh!" He growled.

"Ahh!" I screamed when I finally heave the sword of an enemy.

I let out a warm breath and I grip it with the strength that I have still.

"Then, I will kill you first!"

Captain Saquiel exclaimed while he grips the sword and was ready to stab Zachary.

He was lying on the ground and can't reach his sword. Captain Saquiel crawled into the top of Zachary and lift up his sword.

Zachary screamed as he can't fight back. "Ahhh! Let... me... go!"

"Since you wish to be killed, then you will die in my hands, Swordsman!"

For the last blow, Saquiel thrusts the weapon. Little did he know that I run as fast I could and stabbed him at his back.

From that moment, I don't know what to do. If I would save the wounded Prince or the wounded swordsman.

I remembered how Alice moved and used her sword expertly. She would always press it forcibly for the last and wild blow. "Live in hell, Captain!"

I exclaimed and did it for the first time.

To kill someone.

"Uggh! I... can't let like you... kill me, prin...cess!"

I was freezing in my position when Captain Saquiel is still alive and can still be stood up.

He pulled his weapon and turned his gaze at me. He was glaring at me like he's ready to kill, with no doubt and second thought.

I step back slowly to think about what to do. Thinking how to get rid of Captain Saquiel.

Zachary was still lying, bearing the pain in his gut.

On the other hand, I was taken aback when I step into a dead body. "Oh! Save me!"

By then, I forgot about the furious Saquiel. When the moment I lifted up my head up, Saquiel swipes his sword.

Blood splashes into my face that made me shocked and quivered. "See you in hell, Saquiel!"

I was alarmed when I heard Zachary's voice. I couldn't still believe what happened to the captain.

I just saw his bloody and wounded body fell into the top of his men. "I... thought you can't do–"

"Zeln!" I didn't have the chance to ask him when the prince immediately vanished from the here.

I looked around and search for the prince but still, I found nothing. "What's happening, Swordsman?! You looked upset and worried?"

"The prince is gone, your majesty! He's wounded and we must find him, as soon as possible!"

"But what will we do when we find him? We cannot cure the prince alone!"

Swordsman tried to walk as he enduring his wounded stomach. He then heaves his weapon and put it back on its sheath.

He said, "You're right but we need to find the mage or anything that can cure him, your majesty."

I remembered Alice and replied, "We need to find my sister right away! She's the person who can help us to save Prince Zeln!"

Zachary looked around him and said, "We don't know where she's hiding at, Princess Shaotzie! You know that Alicesha is too broad and expansive."

I took a deep breath stare at him confidently, "I know where she is at this moment. But we need to clean your wound first!"

He was about to answer when I ripped off the bottom part of my dress. "Follow me, I'll just look for a bottle of wine."

I said and leaving the prince's room that is full of dead, bloody corpses.