Chapter 29: Can We Talk Privately?

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

A scene from Chap. 26. (Cartlon and Billy going back to their hideout.)

Cartlon walked quietly away from Morgan. He planned to not to tell the Princess everything the quest man has told him a while ago.

"Billy! We need to go back; darkness is appearing." He said.

The young boy followed him, still wondering what happened. "Swordsman, did you get some information regarding the elusive mage and the truth that lies in the prophecy?"

Billy was striving to walk faster to reach Cartlon. He's too young to possess such a long leg like Cartlon.

Cartlon said, "We're going back with a piece of bad news, Billy."

Billy replied, "They know nothing about the mage? What we're going to do now?"

"I don't know! Right now, we need to get out of here because I can sense that there are zombies sauntering around."

Billy slightly shook his head as he followed Cartlon.

But at the back of his head, the young boy is not convinced with Cartlon's words. Billy senses something that is bad towards him yet he can't tell exactly.

Cartlon turned his back and said, "Hurry up! It's getting darker now."

Billy didn't have the chance to answer due to overthinking. Even he tried to get rid of that thought, still, it would always pop upon his head.

As Princess Alice's loyal and faithful servants aimed to gathered essential information regarding the elusive mage and the prophecy.

Alice never thought that her kingdom will plunge at the hands of her childhood best friend, Caliek.

On the other hand, as Cartlon leads the way; he saw warriors riding with horses. They were equipped with bow and arrow; swords and protective gear.

"Don't move!" He told Billy and put his finger on his lips.

Cartlon told the young boy to lower down his head. Good thing that there were tall and big trees that covered them. "I've never seen such warriors that are equipped with a bow and arrow. Their armor looks different from us; and their horses."

"Who are they? I've never seen that before."

Billy was mesmerized and enthralled upon watching the warriors riding with raven horses. They were roaming around as if they are looking for something or for someone.

Cartlon observed the nonnative and replied. "I know nonentity either."


A woman's authoritative voice echoed in the forest. She was leading the route and her men roamed around to search the prince.


Billy pulled his arms and both of them fall into the grassy ground.

"My sincere apology, swordsman! I need to pull your arms or else, we're doomed and caught by one of them."

Cartlon stared at him and slightly shook his head. He then watches the warriors, making a small circle, and discussing something.

"I found no one, my lord. But, I've discovered something."

One of them told the princess. "Speak!"

"I saw a palace from here and there's orange and yellowish lightning. However, I didn't found any survivor."

Cartlon and Billy were eavesdropping about the palace. It's been four weeks since the day they sneak out from the palace.

"We came here to fetch the Prince not to visit the Princess of Alicesha! People and servants of Atlantis, I am ordering to keep on searching, now!"

Billy whispered something to him, "Beneath of her iron helm and armor, I could sense that she's a beautiful and dauntless princess same as Princess Alice."

"She's nothing compared to Alice, young boy. She may be brave, fearless, and beautiful but Alice is more than just that."

Billy was stuck on the princess who's covered by her helm. By then, she leads the way and her men followed.

"We need to go back now! They're already gone."

The princess together with her men vanished instantly and continued with their mission.

However, Billy can't forget what he just witnessed upon going back to the hideout.

Fortunately, they didn't saw walking dead along the way. The young boy and Cartlon sighed deeply as they arrived safely and unscathed.

Billy said, "Sahara, please do unlock the door! It's me, Billy!"

"Come in!"

Sahara immediately opened the door as the Princess prepared a cup of tea for them.

Alice heard Billy's voice, so she quickly put the tea on a tray and walks straight to them.

"Cartlon, Billy, take and drink this. Both of you must be tired and weary due to finding other survivors!"

Cartlon exhaustedly gets one of it and walk closer to Alice. "Can we speak? I mean, just the two of us Alice."

Billy came closer to the young woman and whispered into her ear cheerfully. "Sahara! I have something to tell you about the fearless and dazzling Princess I saw in the forest!"

Princess Alice stared at them and smiled genuinely. Trying to be calm and steady like there's nothing going on.

"Wait for me outside, Cartlon." She told him in a low tone.

Cartlon nods his head and swallowed greedily the remaining tea. He takes off his sword and put it on the ground for the meantime.

Alice said, "Billy? Perhaps you want some cup of tea?"

"Ohh! Thank you, your majesty. But do I hope you didn't bother to make it for me because it makes me ashamed and apologetic."

Alice gave him an abrupt laugh and tapped his head as she never did it before.

Alice replied while smiling sweetly. "This is not against my will, young man. Drink it, I'll be going outside for some fresh air."

"My pleasure, my Princess."

Billy bowed and bend down to give respect to Princess. For the very first time in his entire life, he grabbed the chance to hold; to kiss Princess' Alice soft and delicate hands.

"Before I die, I am still blessed if you let me kiss your hand, your highness. At least, in my grave, I can keep a very memorable and unforgettable moment of my life."

Alice took a very long and deep sigh. She replied, "Of course, Billy!"

By then, Billy kisses the back of her hand and let it rest and go with care and love.

"I am honor to do it, Princess Alice." Billy smiled.

Princess Alice tapped his shoulder afterward. She then put that on the wooden table and went out, leaving Billy and Sahara.