Chapter 31: Spare My Life, My Lord!

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Princess Shaotzie was stunned by watching the beautiful woman who's shooting the undead that is attacking them.

Danaya reminds of her sister;  Princess Alice. They almost possess the same idiosyncrasy and eccentricity.

However, Princess Alice is more impressive and spectacular than her.

One of Princess Danaya's men went close and told her a piece of alarming news.

"Princess Danaya! The place is clear but still, we can't find Prince Zeln and his right hand, Zachary!"

Princess Danaya shook her head back and forth until her gaze was stuck into the young woman who's gripping something and a man who's seating on the ground from afar. 

"Follow me! Yaaah!"

Without reticence, all of the warriors abide by her order.

Princess Shaotzie screamed. "Swordsman! They are coming into our way! What we should do now?"

She runs closer to Zachary who is still bearing and enduring the pain from his wound. "Stay back and stay calm, your majesty. They will not be going to hurt us."

Horses stop in front of them and Princess Danaya gets off from it. She then take off his helm; showing her bold and candid face.

Princess Shaotzie observed her lustrous golden hair, and her weapon found at her back. Danaya walks kike she was a Goddess, a deity.

"Who are you, young lady?!"

Shaotzie stiffened as she felt a little bit nervous and frightened by Danaya's autocratic yet enchanting voice.

The young princess said, "I am the younger sibling of the Princess of Alicesha! Who are you? And why did you helped us?!"   

Princess Danaya was stunned upon knowing the young lady's identity. But, she's marveling why did she end up in the dark and scary place with a wounded man.

Danaya observed at her, without recognizing Zachary.

Zachary said, "Princess Danaya!"

"Zachary?! Where is Prince Zeln? And why you're with the Princess of Alicesha?!"Danaya exclaimed.  

The swordsman knelt down as he asked for forgiveness of being useless. He knows that he failed to protect and save the Prince against the greedy and famished zombies.

"Forgive me, your majesty. But, I failed to accomplish my mission. I failed to fulfill and to keep my promises into the King of Atlantis, his father. Spare my life, my lord!"

Shaotzie couldn't understand why Zachary keep on asking forgiveness. Where in fact, it's not his fault and he's innocent.

Danaya tried not to kill him in front of the young Princess. She then smiled and said, "I shall spare your life if you will speak up the truth, swordsman!"

"He got infe... infected, my lord! I tried to save him but I don't know what's the cure against the vermin! I'm begging, please do spare me."

Zachary almost kisses the Princess's boots.

"Don't worry, swordsman. I shall spare your life at this moment but–"

Princess Danaya called out one of her men to lends to her a sword that would enough to slash into his neck.

However, Princess Shoatzie remained standing while she witnessed the cruel and unfair doctrines of Danaya.

Zachary heard the sounds of the sharp blade. He knows that Danaya will never doubt of killing him in front of the young lady; Shaotzie. "My lord! I'm begging you, please don't take my life away!"

Princess Danaya grinned as she grips the sword and was ready to twirl it into his neck. "You are such a worthless man, Zachary! May your soul rest in peace!"

Danaya moaned and ready to kill him. Even though she brought about superfluous sounds, still zombies will never occupy all of them.

Her men were guarding every corner of the vicinage. Making it sure that no one can hurt the Princess.

"Your life will never be enough compared to the Prince's life!"

Danaya was furiously and determined to do it but Princess Shaotze meddles in.

"It's my fault! I... I am the reason why he got bitten by the zombies! Now, if its the only way to pay for his life, then kill me, Princess Danaya!"

Zachary was stunned upon hearing it. Of course, he knows that Prince Zeln got the wound when he saved Shaotzie from the undead.

He lifted up his head and said, "Ho– How... did you know, your majesty?!"

Shaotzie remained to relax and bold although deep inside she was vulnerable and susceptible woman. She said, "Because I was there when one of the zombies bite his leg. Now! Spare the swordsman life and take mine, Princess of Atlantis!"

Danaya walked closer to her. She stared at the princess's face that has no trace of fear and panic.

She burst into a satirical yet vulgar laugh while glaring at Shaotzie. Danaya twitches up her jaw and replies, "I can't kill you now but don't worry– I'll use you as bait!"

Danaya said, "Get this young woman out of my sight! Now!"

"No! Don't take her away Danaya!"

Zachary couldn't find a way to alleviate Shaotzie. He was too tired and useless due to his wound.

Princess Danaya turned her back at him, without saying any single word. She thought that she already knows everything.

Princess Shaotzie screamed upon two men tried to get here. "No! Don't you dare touch me! Waaahhh! Let me go!"

"Covered her mouth! See to it that she will never escape from us!" Danaya said.

She then gallops to her raven horse and wears back her helm.

"If you will take the Princess of Alicesha with you then Prince Zeln will be dead. Danaya! Princess of Atlantis and the great archer of your father's kingdom! Hear me! Hear the voice of truth! Without your knowledge, Prince Zeln is not yet dead!"

Zachary tried to stand and to speak out the truth.

Princess Danaya never tried to turn the horseback. "Don't fool me, Zachary!"

"I wouldn't dare to fool you, my lord! Prince Zeln's blood is not normal; and I know that there's something magical that embroidered within his body! Now, if you will not believe in me, then we can't save him, forever."

Princess Danaya was stunned upon hearing about the Prince's rare bluish blood.

It's true! Because that's the reason why she needs to bring back Zeln to Atlantis. Because he's the only key who can find the book of prophecy at the far end of the Pinatubo Mountain.

It was located at the borderline of Atlantis. Pinatubo was known for its slippery and rocky route, and people never knew about a Dragon who lived there so long.

"Let's continue our mission as soon as the sun ignites to rise!"

Princess Danaya ordered her men to get off from their horses. She then ordered to bring Princess Shaotzie and Zachary back to the hideout just nearby.

Shaotzie whispered into Zachary's ear. "For the second time, you have saved my life swordsman."

He then bowed his head and smile plaster on his bloody and gory face.