Chapter 37: A Better Plan (2)

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

As the apocalypse continues, people decreases while zombies increases in a profuse manner. Warriors, servants, farmers, and especially the poorest.

Most of them became zombies. Already forgot their lives; their identity and sanity. Yet, no one knows what is the powerful and potent antidote to reverse the current phenomenon.

Out of almost ten thousand souls, half of them were turned undead; some are already dead and some are striving to withstand the crisis.

Even though it's hard to stand for the nth time, to start a new life again but still, survivors were eager to cope these struggles and obstacles.

Indeed, living in the midst of an apocalypse is undeniably mind-blowing and hard. To this day, survivors are problematic regarding the source of basic needs.

Wherein fact, it is hard to go out when zombies are wandering around the Alicesha.

Source of sustenances began to recede, especially the source of water. People will be going to die not because of the zombies but because of hunger.

Most of the survivors blame the Princess of Alicesha because of doing nothing but to sit back and watch her people; suffering and agonizing.

Without their knowledge that Alice is either fighting to look for Shaotzie and the mage.

On the other hand, Billy grips the sword upright. He stepped back and stare at the Princess.

"Your majesty, Am I doing the right position?" He said.

On the other side, Cartlon was standing and watching how Alice teaches the young man. She laughs so gracefully as she teaches him the proper handling of the hilt.

"Bend your knees; have plenty of grip on its hilt and remember to hold the sword upright so, you can attack your enemy with ease."

Billy followed the procedures slowly, he then replied. "This is great! I've never encountered this in my whole life!"

Alice giggled and replied, "You are too young, Billy. Do not worry, I shall be educating you everything from this day."

"Aye, your majesty! It's my gratitude to accept your offer." Billy bowed to Alice as a sign of respect and reverence.

Swordsman crossed her arms around; waiting for the swords' fight. Out of nowhere, Sahara showed up and saw the princess and Billy starting the combat.

She stands closer to him and whispered, "I've never thought that Princess Alice is an expert with swords. She's moving in grace and in charm, am I right swordsman?"

Cartlon breathed in upon hearing Sahara's query. He said in a low tone, "Eversince, Alice had an interest with swords, daggers, and knives. The moment the late Queen Marie gave birth to her, I was thee at the corner; waiting for the best queen to grow up. She possesses peculiar traits and qualities the I've never seen before."

Sahara was there; staring at the sad and miserable eyes of him. The way he speaks, Sahara can assert that he feels something special to Alice. The special feeling that he buried for a long period of time. Even this day.

She smiled bitterly and replied, "You have feelings for her, swordsman."

It wasn't a question but a statement.

Cartlon was taken aback and looked straight up to the young woman who's watching Billy and Princess Alice fighting and laughing at the same time.

He took a very deep sigh because he never expects it from anyone. From a young innocent woman like Sahara.

"How did you know, Sahara? It is indeed out of my knowledge that you have psychic power." He asked while giggling.

It would be an insult for him however Cartlon gave her an abrupt laugh.

The young woman looked at him with her mouth wide open. She canon believe that swordsman will not take it seriously.

She's definitely disappointed with his response.

"I thought you would ask me for a favor!" Sahara rolled her eyes at him then crossed her arms like a furious mother.

Cartlon halted from laughing so loud and said, "A favor? What would it be then, Sahara?!" He said and looked up above the warm and blue sky.

"Ohh, forgive me! I've never known that this young woman stands beside me is a psychic." Yet, he's smiling whimsically.

Sahara replied angrily, "Talk to me if you are ready enough to confess and to let out what's in your heart, swordsman!"

She still watching Princess Alice helping Billy to stand as he stumbled and fall into the ground. "One more thing, don't be a coward! You don't know, along the way, Princess Alice would meet a good looking man and brave enough to confess his love towards the princess."

Sahara walked out from him and went back inside to prepare for breakfast.

By then, Cartlon was enlightened up and had boosted his confidence.

Sahara is not a novice when it comes to giving pieces of advice. She's a rare and extraordinary juvenile. 

Cartlon dwelled at his position. Thinking of what Sahara's said.

Out of nowhere, Billy exclaimed. "Swordsman! It would be a great fight if you substitute as Princess's Alice opponent!" 

He slightly shook his head as he was not yet ready to talk to Alice. "I don't think so, Billy!"

Shooking his head back and forth is indeed a sign of refusal.

Unexpectedly, Princes Alice meddles in. "Billy is right. Hurry up, and let's have a sword fight Cartlon!" 

Princess Alice stared at him like she used to then wait for him to walk closer to her.


The sun rises up gracefully and it gives more light to the entire place.

Still, Princess Shaotzie and Zachary were working hard under the hot and scorching sun.

The good news is that, Shaotzie almost has done planting all seeds while Zachary is still making plots.

Shaotzie was breathing deeply and feeling weary. She glances at the lookouts and said, "Hey! I am too thirsty that I cannot even swallow my saliva! Can you please give me some water?"

No one answered.

By then she called out Zachary who's wiping his forehead with his dirty hands. "What it is, your majesty?"

She pointed out the sentries who are snoring ridiculously. Two of them are sleeping while standing; the other two were seating and leaning at each other.

To be certain, Zachary tested them by making alibis. "Ohh! My wound is bleeding; help me!" He exclaimed.

Yet, none of them answered.

Zachary smiled widely as he gazes at her. He then drops the bolo and said, "It is the right time to carry out our plan, your majesty!"  

Same as what he did, Shaotzie drops the bolo she was holding with. She put the remaining seeds at the container; then rub her hands to get rid of the dirt.

"Hurry up! We need to tie them up before Princess Danaya come here back!" She exclaimed.

Shaotzie, Zachary prowled and quickly tied the sentries. Yet, they have to make sure that there are no other lookouts around.

Both of them hide as they are assuring their safety and security. "Stay here for the meantime; I shall inspect if there are wardens guarding the possible route, your majesty."

The young woman nods her head even though she's afraid of being alone.

This time, Shaotzie is required to be brave and wise. If not, then the chance of escaping will recede into the least percentage.

Zachary looked at side by side. Before leaving, Shaotzie grabs his hand abruptly. "Promise me that you will be fine, swordsman!"

He replied certainly, "Yes, your majesty. Do not worry, I will be right back."

Shaotzie hides under the table that was made of woods. The only thing that covers her is the long fabric on it. 

She seated and leaned at the wall to calm down and to breathe in. "Wooh! Alice, please save me!" She whispered into the warm wind.

In front of her was a path towards the entrance into the backyard. The table, both sides were covered by plain wood and the only way to get through is the front part.  

However, Princess Shaotzie has no notion of what lies ahead of their actions.  

The young Princess prayed that Zachary will bear good news. That they can continue to look for the prince and her elder sibling; Alice.

Abruptly, there are people who came out. "Where are the slaves?!"

"I do not know either. But, I saw the four sentries being tied up together and their mouths were covered by a piece of clothing too."

Shaotzie covered her mouth before she can make any noise.

Men of Danaya began to panic when they saw nothing in the backyard except for the four men.

On the other side, Zachary has found a way to escape. He went back to the prince's compartment that made him shocked and stunned.

"How does it happen?!" He exclaimed upon witnessing the clean and organized room of Zeln.

Corpses, drops of blood, swords, and daggers were gone.

He quickly walked closer to the secret wall and found out that there's really a secret chamber.

"Does Danaya ordered her men to clean this room? I do not understand why this place turned out like it used to be."

Perchance, he can't forget the last scene and place. It was full of blood and different weapons of Captain Saquiel's men.

The swordsman was about to go out when he heard one of Danaya's men cursed out at the wind. "Look and search every corner of this place! For sure, those weak slaves are still hiding inside of here!"


Zachary cursed out and remember the lonesome Princess. "Princess Shaotzie!"