Chapter 39: Mission Impossible (2)

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

"We need to return, your majesty. We inspected the area and we found out that zombies were all wandering and gathering at the entrance of the palace.

Danaya sanctioned three of her men to scrutinize the gateway to the palace. Unhappily, they cannot continue with their mission; to find and bring the prince back to the Atlantis.

She gasped and replied, "We have at least to look and ask for a survivor lurking near the palace. They must have information regarding the Princess and the zombies."

With no objection, five of them nodded their head. In an immediate way, they ride a little bit distant.

Princess Danaya took a very long sighed upon gaining a victory against the zombies who are trying to invade them earlier.  

Danaya's warrior said, "Princess Danaya! Look over at the huge house built at the right corner of the road! I saw an old and aged man, hanging something!"

Danaya replied abruptly, "Let's go, then! He must know anything about the sudden apocalypse!"

Danaya was eager and determined to know what truths that lie beneath the phenomenon that made humanity to struggle and to strive to live.

In spite of the risk and danger, Danaya went onto the huge house to collect essential pieces of information.

Grateful and luckily, there's no undead who are ready to plague all of them. "Good day, old man!" Danaya greeted him with a bittersweet kind of smile.

A smile where people will be mesmerized and enchanted with it. The old man replied, "Hurry up! You have to get inside before the undead saw you!"

Quickly, he let Danaya's men get inside the barricades. The old man guided them at the back of the huge house. "Horses are safe here, gorgeous warrior. Feel free to tie up tightly the rope  to that big tree of Mahogany."

Princess Danaya gets off from the back of the horse. Two of her men were in charge of tieing up the ropes.

The old man invited them into the real hideaway where other survivors rested on. Danaya looked around the place and it's quite organized and peaceful.

She then saw five young men, polishing and sharpening their different weapons. Most likely, swords and daggers.

Danaya said, "You're not alone, old man! You have a lot of companions to protect and secure the place." 

The old man laughs in a compliment she said. "Well, you are right. Those five men are my grandchildren." He was referring to the men who are polishing and smoothing their weapons. "And, that man standing behind you is Garron; my apprentice."

Danaya turned her back and glances at the tall, white man. He was gnawing something; if she's not mistaken– Garron was chewing a but.

She turned her gaze at him and said, "It's my honor to meet you, old man. Do you mind if I will ask your name?"

He then gave the princess an abrupt laugh and replied, "Belor; the oldest man living in Alicesha." The old man chuckles and continued to speak.

"Since the apocalypse began, I and my people have been living and lurking at these huge houses built by the King Sulliman."

Belor slightly shook his head and said, "It was indeed for homeless beggars and poor, yet we are forced to use this to save and to protect ourselves from the zombies."

"What is your name, young lady? Upon looking at you; I could say that you are a great warrior from the far land. Am I right?"

Belor raised his eyebrows at the Princess. He was observing her since the moment Belor saw them, riding with raven steeds. Tough armors; helms and iron greaves.

The Princess smiled at him as proud as she is. Of course, who would not be delighted and glorious when the truth is you came from the royal family and she possesses a royal blood.

The princess replied with her head held high. "I am Danaya, the Princess and Great Archer of Atlantis. The daughter of King Zeus and Queen Sapphira."

Belor was stunned and amused upon knowing her real name; her real position. "Atlantis? The lost kingdom of King Zeus?!"

Danaya bowed to him and she replied, "It's a long story Belor. However, I, together with my men was sent here by my father to look and to bring back my half brother."

Garron and Belor's grandchildren heard what the Princess said. They must have a piece of information that can enable her to locate Zeln.

Belor bowed and said, "I am apologetic for not deciphering your words, Princess of Atlantis. If you will elaborate on your pilgrimage, perhaps I can help you."

The old man invited them to have a seat but Danaya refuses. It is more convenient and formal from her own perspective. "If anyone of your men, saw or fight with an infected prince. He is my half brother, Zeln."

At that moment, Garron halted from chewing and meddles in. "Are you pertaining to the undead who's wearing a prince's suit and a zombie who possesses a rare bluish blood?!"

Belor was shocked by the information that Garron said earlier. He wasn't aware of it! "You have encountered the infected prince, Garron? Where– when?"

Garron took a long sighed and said, "I saw him the other day in the forest. Hence, we found out something about the Prince who turned out a zombie."

Danaya was eager to hear what Garron know.

Finally, she found the person who can help her to locate Zeln.

The princess, Belor, and his grandchildren awaited the truth that embracing the missing prince of Atlantis.

Danaya walked closer to him and said, "I must give you a reward if you will confide everything you have discovered, Garron. I am assuring you that my father, shall pay you back as soon as we find Prince Zeln."

However, Miranda; a young woman that was saved by Garron weeks before, showed up from nowhere that interrupted their discussion.

She uttered in an afraid and frightened tone. "I am embarrassed to disturb you, but, I have bad news to speak about Belor." 

Everyone turned their attention to the young woman who's standing behind Belor. Miranda was tall as Sahara but her eyes differed from her.

Belor turned his back and faced the young woman who's wearing a plain blouse and trousers. "Let us talk about it later, Miranda. I have an important and influential visitor– Princess of Atlantis, Danaya."

Miranda was about to insist when Danaya speak up. "Do not worry about us, Belor. I shall procrastinate; my men and I are willing to stay before the sunset."

Belor bowed to the princess and speak with Miranda for the meanwhile.