Chapter 46: He Was Maimed

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Cartlon stood up weakly, feeble because he has hurt the Princess. He knows that kissing a woman without her approval is considered as a crime.

It was one of the eldest's superstition beliefs that when a man and a woman kissed, then they are mandated to marry each other right away. No complaints, no further explanation.

Billy and Sahara walked closer to him, lonely and forlorn. Billy lent his hand to help him to stand.

He said, "Forgive me swordsman, but I have a question about what happened earlier."

Cartlon shook his head absentmindedly. He's still thinking about Alice's first kiss. He replied, "Say it, Billy."

He looks exhausted and drowsy. But still, he can manage to talk with Billy in a decent and generous way.

Billy touched his nape and gulped. He then said, "Are you her first kiss? Aren't you, swordsman?"

The young man asked him while raising his eyebrows at Cartlon. Without him knowing, Sahara nudged his elbow and whispered to him. "What are you asking about, Billy?! Of course, the answer is–"

Cartlon began to open his mouth that made Sahara close hers. "No. I'm not! Please, I need to loosen up for a meantime. I hope the two of you will understand what I'm feeling at this moment."

Sahara shrugs her shoulder and watches him walking away. Billy, on the other side, gets Cartlon's sword from the ground. Looking intently into the blood that remained on its blade.

Both of them never knew that these things will happen in spite of the battle they are all facing.

Zombies, elusive mage, Kingdom Alicesha, Alice's younger sister; Shaotzie and most of all, the people of the princess's kingdom.

All of them must be the preeminence of the princess that will ascend into the throne. It is indeed Alice's responsibilities and yet, there she is at the corner of a small hut– sobbing and thinking that Cartlon took her dignity away with a kiss.

By then, Billy and Sahara went back inside to prepare foods for them to eat. Sahara said, "Ask Princess Alice to eat! I'm too afraid that she will get frantic if she would hear my voice."

Sahara was putting the remaining potatoes into the wooden bowl. While Billy standing beside her, preparing for the tea.

Sahara was dismayed when she realizes that they have already skipped the right time to consume both the first and the second meal.

Even the tea that she had made turned cold because it wasn't consumed.

Billy swallowed his own saliva and said, "Forgive me, Sahara! But I don't want to disturb the princess, look at her now! She looks too depleted! Frustrated to be certain."

He was trying to see what Alice was doing. Billy couldn't understand why does kissing the princess is became a serious problem.

He was too young to discern all of the things in the world. Same as with Sahara, she cannot still get what is all meant for.

As they argued who will ask the princess to eat, Cartlon was walking at the vacant lot when he hears a loud and ridiculous scream.

It was too clear and vivid. If he's not mistaken, the voice is coming from the forest.

However, the sun goes down and it was replaced by darkness. There are no stars on the sky and the moon wasn't evident from the ground.     

Cartlon never gives attention nor to worry about the voice that he had heard. He wasn't in the right condition to help and to save the survivor who's asking for help.

"Oh, my guardian up above the clouds that are staring at me– I am begging you to please, send one of your angel that will save me from the undead!"

The voice of a woman echoed around the forest. It was precise, yet impossible. Guardian angels aren't true, they are just human's imagination.

While the woman screaming with fear for aid, Cartlon came back to reality. He realizes that he was standing at the barriers and was about to open it. 

He exclaimed, "She needs my help! I need to help her!" Without thinking it carefully, he runs towards into the place where they fought with Alice to get back his sword.

Unfortunately, it wasn't there anymore because Billy brought his weapon with him earlier. Cartlon runs back inside of the house, sweating and breathing deeply.

In an immediate means, Cartlon looked around and was trying to find his sword. Fortunately, Sahara showed up with potatoes on her hands.

Sahara was startled upon realizing that Cartlon is walking closer to her. She then asked, "Swordsman, you looked paled! And... and why are you here all of a sudden?"

She was stuttering and stunned by Cartlon's expression. It seems like he saw a ghost and or something that made him afraid and scared.

Cartlon said, "Where is my sword Sahara?! Where is it!" He raised his voice and put emphasis on his sword that made the young woman step back.

Sahara replied, "I... I don't know where Billy hid it! But, wait for me a little while and I'll ask Billy!"

She then runs back to the kitchen and forgot to put the potatoes first. Sahara saw Billy swallowing a cup of water while leaning at the wall.

Billy was horrified when she saw Sahara running towards him. Her face was red and her eyes seem frightened and in panic. He said, "What is going on? Why did you bring back all of that in here?!"

Sahara took a very long and deep sigh before answering him. "He is..."

"He is..." Sahara found it difficult to tell him what is happening. Billy narrowed his eyes and replied, "Say it now, Sahara! What is coming about?"

"Cartlon is looking for his sword! I do not why and how but he is in a panic! Give him back his weapon because I felt something horrible!" Sahara cannot express what she's feeling at the moment but fear and a disastrous vision. 

Quick and vigorous, Billy run towards him. He then gets his weapon and Cartlon's sword from the top of the table.

From afar, he saw him walking back and forth. Cartlon was touching and rubbing his head while waiting for Billy.

As the moment he saw the young boy with his sword, he walks nearer to him and exclaimed, "Stay here, Billy! I need to save one of the survivors in the forest!"

However, Billy grasp his arms and said. "I'll be going with you, swordsman! This time, you need me– you have me and I am willing to risk my life for the sake of other people."

There's no time for argument. Cartlon have no choice but to let Billy come with him. They have to go now or it would be a waste of time and effort when they can't save her.

They began to walk when Sahara shouted. "Swordsman! Billy! Please, come here back– safe and unhurt."

Both of them nods their head and went out to begin with their mission.

Sahara watches them as they walk into the dark forest. Out of nowhere, the princess spoke. "Where are they going Sahara!"

The young woman touches her chest and replied, "Oh, Princess Alice! Billy and swordsman went out to save the woman, at the forest!"

Princess Alice was amused and began to worry about her servants.

It's too dark and it's dangerous for Cartlon and Billy to fight alone against the zombies. Alice replied, "Stay here, Sahara! I need to follow them or else they will be invaded by the zombies!"

But, Sahara asked the princess again. "What do you mean, your majesty?"

Alice turned her back and said, "I tried to knock him down but I accidentally jagged my weapon in his back. Sahara, he was maimed!"