Chapter 50: Prognosis

~ Third Person's Point if View ~

Everyone was frightened when Princess Danaya swipes her sword into nowhere. She was screaming vociferously because of madness and disappointment.

How can Zachary and Shaotzie escaped when there are a lot of warriors guarding them! Danaya cannot understand why and how. 

She then looked at the Captain and grasp his collar. "Why didn't you guarded the captives? What have you done, Captain? Tell me!"

Her eyes were flaming and her cheeks turned scarlet. The Captain swallowed his saliva as he is trying to avoid the princess's gaze. "I... I...–" He stuttered.

All of them are afraid because they did not guard the two captives. That is the truth that they are hiding with. However as what the elders say, "You cannot hide the truth for so long because the certainty itself will reveal no matter what".

Danaya gave him a lesson because of bringing her impatient by waiting for his answer. She punches his bearded face with too much strength and resilience.

There's no doubt that he will not get bruises and cuts. The Captain's lips were bleeding and his right eyes got severe bruises. "SPEAK, OR IT WOULD BE YOUR LAST DAY!" Danaya gave him another chance to admit guilt and to tell her that he did not fulfil his responsibilities as a Captain.

He then said, "Spare my life, Princess Danaya as I failed to accomplish my duties! Similarly, I forgot to give the captives foods and let them savour the taste of water! I am sorry for what happened, your majesty!"

Danaya discontinued from punching him again. But, she wants to hear more about how Princess Shaotzie and Zachary has the chance to escape from them. She said, "Yes Captain, I will spare your life! But, where is Zachary? How come that you didn't found him again wherein you are guarding the lair!"       

He was gasping for air and replied, " I fell into a deep sleep and even the four wardens. When they wake up, they were being tied and was lying on the ground. Too late to realize that they have already escaped.

Fortunately, they have found the princess lurking under the table but the bad thing is that– Zachary is nowhere to be found." The Captain sighed upon the princess released him.

He can now breath in and out with ease.

The princess walked back and forth while her fists were being clutched.

"Did you already search the area?" She asked.

One of them replied, "Aye your majesty!  He must have been planning to escape but he left the princess here! That makes all of us wonder why."

He's right and what makes Danaya think of it too.

If they were planning to escape, Zachary must be brought with him the younger princess. But why did he left Shaotzie, who is afraid and hiding under the table by herself?

Danaya said, "Search and inspect the nearby area! For sure he's still here, hiding and watching us!" 

Instead of following the princess orders, one of her men asked. "Aye! But who is he, your majesty?"

Out of their curiosity, all of them turned their gaze into the old man who's standing behind Danaya. She then replied, "I almost forgot, tie him up! He is Belor, the eldest survivor and knows about the prophecy and the elusive mage."

"Aye, your majesty!"

Immediately, they have dispersed and began finding Zachary. Danaya added, "Two of you will be staying here. Look after the princess and this old man, do you understand?!"

They replied in the same manner, "Aye, your majesty!"

Both of them bowed and get Belor. They let the old man sitting beside the princess who's been crying out of fear.

The old man recognizes her and he whispered, "Princess Shaotzie?"

She replied, "I am! Who are you?! Why did Danaya bring you in here?"

Danaya went off outside to loosen up. She can't still believe that the man she loves has escaped.

The old man looked around as the two wardens are guarding and staring at them. He murmured, "Princess Danaya captured me as she thought that I beget all the knowledge about the prophecy!"

He added, "I am Belor, your majesty." He then slowly bowed his head. 

Shaotzie covered her mouth after she heard the old man's answer. "You know something about the prophecy?!"

Her eyes widened but Belor put his finger into her lip. The old man said, "Yes! But Danaya has told me that her plan wasn't to bring back the infected Prince but to kill Princess Alice!"

It wasn't new to the princess. She heard it already and now, it was confirmed by him. "All along, I thought she's a great woman! A great leader! But, Danaya was too ambitious and selfish. She even made me a slave knowing that I am a princess of Kingdom Alicesha!"

Madness, disappointment was written on her face as she looked into nowhere.

Everything was a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm. She added, "I must go back to the palace as soon as possible, or else Danaya will kill her!"

Belor said, "Your majesty, forgive me if I am confused with your statements."

The young princess leaned closer to him. She whispered, "Since the apocalypse began, I have been missing. I followed Princess Alice that day, but a sudden apocalypse happened! I do not how to get back into the palace, Belor!"

Tears springing into her eyes upon realizing her mistakes. If she only stayed and obeyed her elder sibling orders, then she will be still with Alice at this moment.

She does not have to feel afraid and think of what will happen next to her under Princess Danaya.

The old man looked at the princess with empathy. He said, "Do not worry because I will help you to get back into the palace! I am assuring you, your majesty."

He inhaled and added, "However this fast few days, the palace fired a fireball that destroyed some of the survivor's lair. Some zombies are being killed and was burn into death. But, does Alice instructed her men to kill all of us by turning into ashes?"

Shaotzie shook her head as she can't believe what the old man said.

She replied, "But my sister wouldn't do such horrible orders! I've been with her since the first day of my life, Belor! I am certain that it's not the princess who told them to burn her own people! And, her kingdom!" 

Shaotzie is certain that Alice won't do anything that will harm her people and Alicesha.

The old was shocked as what she thinking about.

"If that is the truth, then there's must be someone behind of it." He said in a low and meaningful voice.

Belor knows too the princess since she was still young. Yes, Alice can not slay her own people because of the undead.

If she's in the palace, she will do everything as long as it will protect Kingdom Alicesha against the zombies.

Shaotzie, on the other hand, was thinking about it too. If it wasn't Alice, and then who's the one who is liable for burning everyone?

She said, "It is indeed a  bad prognosis about the future of Alicesha, Belor!"

Shaotzie gulped as they look at each other eyes when Danaya showed up from nowhere.