Chapter 52: The Truth

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

One bottle of drinking alcohol and two wooden glasses on the table.

As time passes by, the night became colder. The perfect time to rest and close your eyes to pray for real dreams.

Warriors were all resting on their perspectives spot. Princess Shaotzie who's still in the ground fall asleep when Danaya gave her a glass of alcohol.

Shaotzie can't reject Danaya's offer for the third time. She drank it greedily until her vision became blurry.

Danaya said, "Look at her, old man. Isn't she looked drank and tired?" 

Belor looked away from Shaotzie and he replied coldly, "What do you wish to hear for, your majesty?" 

The old man was seated in front of Danaya with a glass of wine for him. Yet, Belor didn't try to touch and or drink it.

Danaya gave him an abrupt laugh and said, "Ohhh Belor! You are too enthusiastic, why not try to soak up?"

The princess was seating with crossed legs. She was holding her stomach as she can't stop chuckling. Danaya added, "Come on! I did not put even pinch of poison into that alcohol! Sip and savour it now."

Belor remained firm and rigorous even though he was thirsty and hungry. Wine cannot replace water and foods.

However, the old man knows what she wanted to know.  The elusive image and truth that lies beneath the book of prophecy. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I am not thirsty."

"Drink it or you will see anymore your grandchildren!"

Danaya was too wise and prudent. She has a ton of ways on how to frighten and terrify a person.

Belor gulped and stared at the glass.

Danaya said, "I found people loathing and despising by being too selective and demanding. Old man, as you keep your mouth close the more that you can't see your love ones. Now, if you want to go home tell me everything you know."

Belor said, "Do not forget to keep your promises, Princess Danaya. I, myself is willing to speak everything that I know but, do your part as what we agreed upon. I'm begging you, bring me back to my grandchildren!"

"I will. Now, tell me what you know, Belor. I know that all of us wanted to end the apocalypse and continue to live without lurking, fighting and worrying. Tell me, Belor." Danaya said in a soft and low voice.

The old man has no choice but to converse with the Princess.

He then began to enunciate a word while the princess is waiting and savouring the taste of alcohol.

Belor was tall with a long white beard. His black hair became white as he reached hundred years on earth. Still, Belor remained strong and healthy even though he's too old.

His lips stopped from bleeding but he got bruises on the right and left cheek due to the princess's punch. But, Belor was uneasy, tired and hungry.

He can't still believe that in one snap, everything will turn upside down.

Belor said, "60 years ago, there was an old man who came into the palace to ask for help. I saw him walking into the hallway of the palace while I am guarding the room of King Sulliman, the father of Princess Alice and Shaotzie."

He can't endure the thirstiness anymore and so, in a quick and prompt way. The old man sips and savors the bland and strong taste of liquor.

Danaya said, "Do not get drank too easily, because you have to finish with your mission tonight before Princess Shaotzie wakes up."

By then, the old man put back the glass and continue with his story.

"That night, the King wasn't in the palace as he went to the Kingdom of Vladimir to reconcile and pare the conflict between the two kingdoms. The old man insisted to look and to speak up with King Sullivan but everyone has told him to go back to the palace, after the successive ten days."

"King Sulliman was too young that time and he who went out from his room that forced me to follow him. He said, "Belor! I've dreamed about an old man who came to the palace and looked for my father! He has something to tell about to the King but all the servants dragged him away out from the palace! Then, magically the old man vanished like the wind but an enormous and vast waves hit the palace!"

The old man stopped and breathe for some air. If he would tell Danaya what happened word by word, it will take at least thirty days to finish.

Danaya said, "Then, what happened next?"

He continued, "Upon hearing the young man's dream, we hurriedly run towards the old man who was walking weakly away from the palace. Few steps and he will be going to reach the way out. Young Sulliman said, "Old man! Please do forgive us for waiting you keep and letting you walk alone through the cold night!" Fortunately, the old man stopped and turned his back.

"The old man said, 'Ohh young man, why did you come here without enough protection against the cold breeze!' King Sulliman was stunned and amazed by the old man response. I have witnessed with my naked eyes on how the old man touch Sulliman's head. He said, "Tell your father, King Sullivan that the prophecy is arising! Tell him that his granddaughter is one of the keys to end the phenomenon that will end humanity."

"Sulliman bowed his head while the old man was speaking. He added, 'Tell Sullivan that the book of prophecy can be found at the far, far Mt. Pinatubo of the lost kingdom. Tell him to let you marry with royal blood as soon as possible. Tell him, Sulliman or else it would be the end of Alicesha.'

"Sulliman was too young and innocent to understand what the old man is saying. I was standing behind Sulliman, listening and watching the two of them."

For a little while, Belor took a deep breath as he reminisced the face of the old man and the young man; King Sulliman.

To be continued...