Chapter 60: Keep and Restrain My Words

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

The old man quivers by the princess's words.

She's right. It was an odd dream that she would not attempt to think of all over again. Belor replied in a deep and stunning voice. "Your majesty! You are must be tired and sleepless this fast few days! You must need food and water for you to regain your old self, Princess Shaotzie."

Belor was seating back beside the princess. He looks so horrified and scared yet, he managed to be firm and serious again.

He could barely remember what Princess Danaya told him last night. "I shall kill the crown princess with my bare hands! I will make my mother, Queen Shapphira of Atlantis exultant and jubilant of her great and fearless daughter."

Danaya halted from speaking. She gazed at him until she burst into a burst of laughter. She said, "You look frightened, old man! Why? Do you think that there's someone who can stop me? Do you think that she can escape from me?"

Princess Danaya lifted up her right hand with a glass of alcohol. She sips some of it and burst into an evil laugh.

"No one shall cease me from killing the crown princess, Belor! There's no one."

Princess Danaya grinned upon looking at the frightened old man in front of her. She almost forgot her real purpose of coming into the Alicesha.

Belor, on the other side, watched the greedy and frugal princess. How can she plan for deception against Princess Alice? Against the destined mage.

He took a deep and heavy sigh before uttering a word. He said, "You can not kill the crowned princess!" His voice rose.

Belor eyes turned red as he twitching his jaw out of fear. Her body was shaking and shivering, hearing the desirous Princess of Atlantis.

Out of the blue, the old man closes her eyes due to the great impact of Danaya's strong fists that was landed into his left eye.

Below gasps for air while embracing his trembling arms and soul.

Danaya exclaimed, "I will behead your soon– to– be– queen! I will be the new Queen of Alicesha and no one can cease me from doing it!"

The Princess of Atlantis were influenced by her cruel mother, Queen Sapphira. She's the person behind of Danaya's strange actions and philosophy. She tarnished the mind of her own daughter.

She has turned Danaya from being a genuine and sweet girl into a voracious and insatiable woman. A woman who doesn't possess a beautiful heart, a woman who only knows the importance of power and authority. A woman who will bear to kill anyone without doubt and hesitation.

A woman with unfair beliefs and notions.

Belor holds his breath when Danaya walked towards him. Her eyes were red and full of eagerness. She whispered, "Even the infected prince, old man. I will kill him, I will kill my father's only son with my bare hands. I will decapitate anyone who will get into my way! All of them, Belor. "

Princess Danaya's eyes were speaking the same thing as her mouth. She will undeniably end Princess Alice's life upon seeing her for the first time. She must be losing her conventional sanity because of Queen Sapphira's prestige.

Belor needed enough air to breathe. He can't believe what he heard from Danaya. He sighs and murmured, "May He forgive all the rogues on this land."

The old man sighs deeply when Danaya walked back to her seat and grab the glass of alcohol.

Danaya said facing the sleeping princess. "I will create a new world, a young princess. You and your worthless sister will be in vain and both of you will be my slave."

She then smiled widely and turned her back to Belor who's still afraid and shivering. "I know that you are hiding things from me, old man. I sensed it, but–" Danaya paused for a while and seated.

She added, "I won't force you to be honest with me, Belor. However, your life will be miserable at my hands and if you're ready to speak up everything, I will release you as soon as possible. I have one word and I am assuming that I will hear something favourable coming from you."

The old man widened his eyes. How can Princess Danaya sense that he was lying?

Belor was stuttering as his lips were shaking. "I... I am n... not telling you the untruth, your majesty! I would not speak against your will and plan, Princess Danaya! Please, believe in me and bring me back to my grandchildren!"

The old man knelt down and put his hands on the ground. Implying that the princess would trust and believe in him. 

"I am begging you, Princess Danaya! My grandchildren are in danger!" Belor exclaimed.

However, Princess Danaya stood up and began to take steps. Before leaving, she left a statement that made the old man hold his breath.

"Take some rest! Before the sun rises, we will go to the Princess's Palace and you will be coming with us!" Danaya said and leave Belor who's still kneeling down.

"Old man! The princess is coming!" Princess Shaotzie nudged Belor. "You must be thinking about something serious old man!" Shaotzie added while looking at him.

Belor came back to his senses and realized that the sun already rose. "The sunrise!" He uttered.

"Gather all of our soldiers! Prepare everything that is needed because we will be heading to the crown princess's palace before the sun sets!" Danaya gave another order and the Captain bowed quickly.

He said, "Aye, your majesty!"

The Captain quickly disappear and went to the main entrance. He gave the order from his majesty and will obey right away.

Princess Danaya, Belor and Princess Shaotzie were left inside with two soldiers guarding the captives.

Danaya walked towards them and bent her knees to see clearly the old man and the young princess. She said, "Prepare yourselves, sooner or later we will see Princess Alice."

The young princess gulped and replied, "You can not see Alice at the palace because she went somewhere, Princess Danaya!"

Instead of being shock and amaze, Danaya smiled genuinely. She then touches Shaotzie's paled face before answering.

"I will look and kill her no matter what it takes, young princess. Keep and restrain my words, Princess Shaotzie." Danaya stared at the old man who's looking at the ground, frightened and afraid.