Chapter 65: Secret Chamber

~ Third Person' a Point of View ~

Cartlon sensed that the twins are arguing but he kept his mouth close. He turned his back and the undead is still chasing them.

He then runs closer to the princess and said, "We do not have to trust the twins, your majesty! Perhaps, they are planning something against you! We must take the right direction."

In spite of doubt, Princess Alice follows the route that Phoax have said to her. Alice did not hesitate to risk her safety and life.

She replied, "Shhh. Let them be, Cartlon. I am wiser than them, just trust me."

Alice continued running and heeding to the twins.

Phoax said, "This way! I am certain, your majesty." He bowed and waited for the princess's command.

"No! We are taking this way, Phoax! Do not give the wrong direction to the Princess!" Hatius confronted.

Cartlon was confused and mystify hearing the twins. He asked, "Tell us now the right path!"

"I am speaking up the truth, your majesty. Hatius is the one who is making things difficult and complicated for all of us!" Phoax exclaimed and appears that he was telling the certainty.

However, Cartlon cursed out into the wind upon looking at the undead. They run faster than humans, and there's no point of turning back.

He looked at the twins and said, "They are going to infest all of us! Now, tell us the right and fastest route to take?!"


"West!" Phoax replied.

Princess Alice remained steady and watches how the young men lie to her majesty. In spite of risk and danger, she managed to be firm and go with the ebb.

Alice gave them an abrupt laugh and said in a gentle voice. She said, "We are speaking between life and death. If none of you will be honest and loyal to me, the Princess of Alicesha. I shall punish you, right here!"

All of them was startled when Alice heaves the hilt of her sword. She was calmly glaring at the young men who are both shivering and stuttering.

Hatius bowed his head and exclaimed, "Your majesty! Spare our lives because I am telling you the right direction! Phoax is lying but I am begging you to spare his life too! Your majesty, I am asking for your empathy!"

If Alice would waste her time, the undead will soon overrun them. They are moving toward and no one can't stop them from being aggressive and contentious.

Cartlon exclaimed, "Alice, they are here! We have to leave, now!"

She turned her gaze and then Alice was shocked and alarmed by looking at the massive numbers of the undead.

"You have to trust me, your majesty! If we would stay here any longer, we will get bitten by the beasts!" Hatius lifted up his head and looked intently into Alice's eyes.

Alice withdraw her sword and shook her head while looking at Cartlon. They must be planning something without them knowing.

Cartlon said, "Go forth, your majesty! I will be watching you from behind!"

"Grrrggh!" One of the beasts snarled and was about to grab Cartlon's arm but he quickly pulls his weapon and slices its neck with no mercy.

"Ruuuuun!" He exclaimed while the blood flows from his sword.

They have to evade and reach the barrack no matter what it takes. From afar, they can see clearly the men of Morgan who are keenly aware of what is happening.

Phoax has no choice but to follow Hatius, his twin brother despite sudden circumstances.

Cartlon, Phoax, Hatius and Princess Alice struggles to get around but making an effort to surpass everything.

About two kilometres away from the land of corpses in six hours. Hatius said, "We are close to the barrack, your majesty!"

Alice nodded and remained quiet yet focused.


(Undead are snarling and growling horribly.)

Princess Alice glances at the setting sun and gloomy sky. Sahara, Billy and Eli flash into her mind upon seeing the sun.

On the other side, Cartlon saw the princess who looks uneasy and worried. He saw how the Princess aim to keep them safe and unblemished.

Hatius halted from running and breath heavily. He said, "Keep running! I can protect myself!" He exclaimed when Phoax tried to help him.

Princess Alice, Cartlon stopped and took a deep sigh. Phoax was stumbled and fell into the ground that causes him to get abrasions on his left arm.

Hatius helped his brother to stand and tried to catch up with the swordsman and the Princess. Unfortunately, two beasts showed up from behind.

Phoax dropped his weapon accidentally and screamed. "Rot in hell, ugly monsters!" He abruptly hit one of them while Hatius jagged his weapon into the undead's heart.

"Yaah!" Hatius exclaimed and jumped off into the beast. He used his knee for the last blow that made the undead fell into the surface, bleeding and harmless.

As soon as the princess saw that they are endeavouring against the monsters, she did not waver to help. "I have to help them!"

Without uttering any single word, Cartlon followed the princess even if it leads them to death. He has to keep his promises to King Sulliman no matter what happened.

Two became ten and ten became thirty. They heave their weapon and began the battle with their own sweats and blood. Phoax screamed, "At your back, swordsman!"

There's one at Cartlon's back and so he quickly evaded and cut its neck. "I have debt now, young man!" He giggles and turned around to continue killing all the beasts.

"We have still to run, your majesty! They are too many to be exterminated!" Hatius exclaimed upon beheading every undead he was encountering with.

Hatius, Phoax, Cartlon run towards the princess and covered her from any harm and havoc. "Protect the princess!" Swordsman ordered.

Undead evolved and came to be more presumptuous since the very first day of outburst in Alicesha. They maybe fear the fire but they have still to find the mage before its spread to the whole world.

Alice remained quiet and serene despite the infectious disease that continues to dissipate in her kingdom.

Anyone did not know that there is one place that can cater to all the survivors. Only she and Sharozie knows about it, even Cartlon, the right of her majesty know nothing about the secret chamber.

"Ggggrhhh!" Undead are growling and roaring ridiculously yet they are not moving from where they are standing.

The sun is setting up yet Princess Alice did know nothing about the prophecy. In her entire life, it would be the very first moment that she cannot keep her promises to Sahara and Billy.

She said, "In the right time, everything will turn back as what is used to be."

Alice looked at the sky and smiled genuinely.