Chapter 108: Sweet Potatoes Dwelled At My Side

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

The sword turned like an eagle who flies under the night sky. It was a perfect scene especially when Barbaro catches it with one hand. 

His left hand were at the undead's head as he struggles to make him taste the ground. The undead's face was on the bottom while reaching out for him. 

Before slashing its head, Barbaro shrugged off his shoulder and gave her a quick laugh. He said, "Farewell to you, my comrade." 

He placed the sword on its neck and mercilessly strangled the undead. He didn't stop until he finally decapitated the enemy. 

Barbaro lifted up its head and called Mariya, "See this with yourself!" He was laughing as he throws the head to Mariya. 

However, she runs towards him and ignores the head with blood. She said, "I'm not that type of woman, Barbaro." 

"I knew it! That's why I'm here, saving you."