Chapter 111: He Annihilated My Queen, Sapphira!

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

The undead continued to prance and gloat all over the Alicesha while the cure is still suppressed. They have dissipated for a short period of time. Have infected most of the people, both children and adults. 

They are too eager for human flesh and blood as it was the only thing they need to survive. 

However, at the far and distant Kingdom of Atlantis. King Zeus and Queen Sapphira were ruling their people. They have known and heard that an infected disease is spreading through the Kingdom of Alicesha and to the nearby territories.  

King Zeus who's been waiting for his son to come back with his mother. Thus, it's been a while since the last time he heard about him. 

He was too doubtful that Zelnacariah has found and redeem Catthia successfully, as what he had told him.