Chapter 113: You Made My Day, Hotter and Warmer

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

Luscious and palatable foods were being served by the royal servants. The Queen was seating and staring at the King who's looking at nowhere. Queen Sapphira begins to slice the meat on her plate, suspiciously eyeing the King. 

Intentionally, she dropped the fork into the floor that caused a loud noise. Sapphira exclaimed, "Oh the fork!" A servant who's standing beside of her immediately fetched the fork and gives to her majesty. 

She was smiling as she turns her gaze at him, "I am remorseful for what I've done, your highness! Yet, you are propelling your Queen to feel worried and doubtful." 

King Zeus abruptly came back to reality upon hearing the Queen's voice. He seated with calmness and spoke like a great King. 

He said, "I... I unexpectedly remember our daughter! I am too anxious and eager to send more soldiers to seek her."