Chapter 120: Search For Them Before It's Too Late

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

As soon as the soldiers disappeared, Zachary crawled out from the deep hollowed-out place. 

It can be found in a big tree that he once lurked at earlier. Covered with grassroots and dried leaves that helped him not to be caught up. 

He was panting and wheezing as he finally went out from a suffocating hole. "My life has been in danger twice, as of now. Ugh!" He whimpered as he doused with sludge. 

Fortunately, the stream is right in front of him. 

Zachary disgustingly walked towards and soaked his feet into the cold water. He splashed waters into his arms and face to get rid all of it from his body. 

He scooped up some of it and washed his countenance. Until he saw the damp cloth, drowned into the water.