Chapter 156: Eat and Swallow You Alive

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

"I am Shaotzie, the young Princess of Alicesha and her majesty's younger sibling." She said.

The surroundings became quiet and filled with serenity. The man was startled and flabbergasted of what he had heard from the young woman who was standing still. 

He bowed his head to think for a logical word to be said. Until he burst into a satirical laugh which made Shaotzie disgruntled.

"Finally, I have met the missing jester of his highness' Kingdom!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

His laughter sounded off around the peaceful lair.

However, Zachary never hesitates to point the sword into his neck. "How could you disrespect the young Princess?! How could you endure and laugh whimsically before Princess Shaotzie?!" He hissed.

The young man stepped back. Not because of the pain and fear caused by Zachary, but because of the psychedelic truth.

"You–your Grace!"