Special Chapter 4

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

"We need to return, your majesty. We inspected the area and we found out that zombies were all wandering and gathering at the entrance of the palace.

Danaya sanctioned three of her men to scrutinize the gateway to the palace. Unhappily, they cannot continue with their mission; to find and bring the prince back to the Atlantis.

She gasped and replied, "We have at least to look and ask for a survivor lurking near the palace. They must have information regarding the Princess and the zombies."

With no objection, five of them nodded their head. In an immediate way, they ride a little bit distant.

Princess Danaya took a very long sighed upon gaining a victory against the zombies who are trying to invade them earlier.  

Danaya's warrior said, "Princess Danaya! Look over at the huge house built at the right corner of the road! I saw an old and aged man, hanging something!"