Chapter 161: Manipulate Your Emotions

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Alice was seated on a wooden bench, facing the noblewoman. She was chewing a slice of boar's meat that was preserved by Cartlon.

She said, "You haven't touched your food nor tastes the ginger tea I've offered to you."

The noblewoman said, "I... I am contrite of what had transpired earlier, your majesty." She bowed her head as she looked away from Alice's eyes.

"As an exchange, I am willing to risk my life and serve you with dedication. That's what I can do for you, Princess Alice."

"I did not tell you to do such matter, Victoria."

The noblewoman was surprised by the name she has said.

She widened her eyes and asked her majesty, "How did you know my name, your majesty?! I... I was inevitably surprised!" Victoria gently rubbed her pounding chest.