Chapter 165: Must Treat Her

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Ephor was sauntering around the tree hut. Yearning to find a herbal plant which he can use to wrap on the woman's wound.

While Cartlon was looking after the wounded guard and the stranger.

The moon can be seen throughout above the hut. It was luminous and bright.

It seemed like near to be reached, but the truth is– it was too far from his grasp.

Cartlon huffed upon remembering his promises to her majesty. That he will bring everyone with him, no matter how hard it is.

The guard noticed that the Captain of the Royal Soldiers was looking and watching the glowing moon.

He's been observing him since they arrived and passed through the Lake of Dragons and Deities.

He said, "Captain, it seemed like you were enthralled by the moon's beauty."

"I am,"

Cartlon replied shortly.