Chapter 170: Steal and Ruin the Vision

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Lesther looked upon the young woman and said, "Your Grace,"

"Lesther," Shaotzie called him shortly.


She was surprised by his short answer, but she let him be. She let him act, the same with way as he spoke up with her.

Unaware, there was a smile forming into her pale lips. While waiting, she whispered. "Tell me your findings, arrogant man. Before I could not hold back to eat and swallow you, alive."

Shaotzie gave him an abrupt laugh which made the night chilling and mellowing out.

"I will eat and swallow you alive. Ha ha ha ha!"

She repeatedly said, grinning like an evil creature in the dark twilight.

The young man narrowed his eyes as he was unaware regarding what the young Princess referring about.

He took a deep breath and asked, "Forgive me, Your Grace but... but I am ignorant about the things you are talking."

"Book of prophecy,"

Shaotzie replied shortly.