Chapter 174: This is My Fate

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Thyrus was embraced with hatred and disappointed.

He thought that somehow, someone will be true to his words. But as the enemy usually do, they choose to lie than the being naive.

"Release my soldiers and I will come with you! That is my last words,"

Thyrus said. He was still begging and kneeling into the ground. "I am begging you. Release my soldiers!" He added.

But the nobleman who was armed with full iron plate armour and helm remained silent while walking around him.

Elmer who was trying to elude said, "I have warned you, Captain! But... But you never listen!" The subordinate soldier and an ally felt irate and enraged towards the man who was falling into his knees.

He swallowed his pretension.

He accepted the ugly truth.

Thyrus has come to an end, to a decision after the long, long fight.