Chapter 221: Oaths are Meant to be Broken

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Dhaline knocked on the door repeatedly. She wondered why it took too long for Hepthcus to come out and see her at rendezvous.

She took a deep breath and said, "Father, please open the door!"

"What brought you here, my dearest daughter?"

Lord Cottius asked her when the man opened the door widely.

She gulped and tried to look away but she would always end up enthralled by his serious gaze.

Dhaline took a deep breath and replied, "I've been waiting for him, but he kept me wait and disappointed me." Everyone knew that she adores him since then. The rumour reached Lord Cottius but he never asked his daughter.

"Give us a moment, Hepthcus. I'll talk to her inside."

"Yes, My Lord."

Hepthcus replied and went out of the man's compartment. He looked secretly at Dhaline who suddenly caught him.