Chapter 224: Cross the Bridge

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

The man watched and stayed back as Alice and the guard fought against the undead.

He stood as his knees trembled and shivered.

"Your majesty,"

He gasped when Alice angry stabbed the undead who attempted to bite her arm.

Fortunately, she saw it beforehand and killed the enemy in one snap of her fingers.

"Master, there is only few undead that needed to be killed!" Alice looked intently into his eyes and shook her head. "Let's end this war, Master. Agathon needed us."

The guard replied, "Yes, your majesty!"

Undead gathered in one place. They would be snarled and drool over. Their clothes were shredded and soaked with blood.

As he agreed with her, both of them ran faster and attacked the remaining undead.

Blood spattered to their armours and weapons. The guard valiantly slashed the undead's neck and yanked it with another blow.