Chapter 233: Reflection

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Ephor who stood behind of the young woman gulped when he noticed the number of undead that gathered in one place.

He said, "Captain! The fire began to fade away but the undead are still whole and unscathed!"

Cartlon looked at him and uttered profanities. He never thought that fire would disappoint him. He replied, "Search the nearby area! We need to gather every undead who lurked around before we continue to the Province of Samaria!"

The guard abruptly appeared and looked for Cartlon. "Captain, we have a big problem!"

"Continue," He commanded.

He gulped and breathed heavily as he stared at the nobleman who narrowed his eyes. "I've found out more corpses gathered in a cave! They are more than the number of what we have expected."

"Bring me to the cave! We need to burn all of them before the sun goes down!"