Chapter 239: Fallen Into Our Homeland

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Lesther widened his eyes as soon as he saw the paper remained still and whole. He couldn't believe that fire didn't burn such a vulnerable thing.

He said, "Your Grace, the paper!"

Shaotzie hurriedly turned her back. She was unaware yet, she looked behind her until the young princess realized what had happened.

"Why is it the fire failed to perish it?! I–it is a powerless thing, yet, it has floated in the middle of a fire!" She exclaimed and looked at Zachary who couldn't utter a single word.

He stood and put aside the King's old diary. Zachary murmured, "A piece of paper that is indestructible and imperishable by the powerful element. It is unbelievable, your Grace!"

"You are right, Zachary! However, how can we get the paper without burning ourselves?" Princess Shaotzie asked him.

Zachary and Lesther thought of a better strategy.