Chapter 245: A Painful Destiny

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Zeln took the wooden cup of intoxicant as he looked into the guards' eyes.

He nodded when his gaze rested on Barbaro. "Tonight, we will eat all of these as we listened to the captive's past life! Let us give him a moment to tell everything and to be honest to me and himself."

Zeln took a deep breath as he stared at the man's eyes. "Your moment started now."

Peacefully, everyone's attention was in him. Guards breathed heavily as they picked meats they wanted.

Yet, the captive looked at the ground as he earned enough courage, to begin with.

Reminiscing the past is not simple. Abruptly, horrible spectacles played in his mind. He narrowed his eyes as he tried to open it with ease.

He said, "Before I start, let me touch the Prince's wrist."

Barbaro and Felixes narrowed their eyes upon hearing the man's request. They shook their head and tell Zeln to decline, yet, the Prince nodded in agreement.