Chapter 262: You Are Alive

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Garron noticed a red light, sign that an enemy was nearby.

He immediately looked one by one of the golden keys he has seen. Yet, he couldn't find the exact one.

The golden key that will unlock the door.

"Where is it?!"

"Show yourself to me, golden key!"

Garron murmured as the red light continued to shine. It was clear enough to catch the undead's attention.

Until an undead appeared from behind.

It didn't growl as it walked silently towards him. Garron was too occupied looking for the key as he didn't notice the enemy at his back.

Until such the undead ran towards him and attacked Garron.


He screamed when the undead scratched his back.

He knew it bled as he felt the blood flowed down to his lower back.

Garron quickly looked back and saw the undead's nails soaked in blood.