12:50, UA Cafeteria, Lunch Period
A lone student sets a side an empty bowl , before grabbing another bowl of oyakodon and scarfing down heaps of rice, egg, chicken, and onion. Stacks of empty bowls and bottles litter the table as a pair of metal chopsticks normally stored in the boy's jacket pocket dance around his fingers. With his long, grey hair tied back in a messy ponytail to prevent getting in his eyes and his food, this boy has nothing disturbing his lunch.
Except for the blaring alarm sirens that just turned on, of course.
"What's going on?!"
"If the alarm's ringing, then that means-"
"Someone's infiltrated UA!"
Obviously, anybody who hears that siren would panic at least a little, right? So what's the best course of action for them? Running away, probably.
But the boy doesn't get up. He simply gets another bowl. It's not that he can't hear the sirens or the yelling, since he's bumping K*nye through his headphones at max volume. It's not that he's totally ignoring them, he's just eating lunch.
A few minutes later, Tenya Iida would become Class President of 1-A for his actions in handling the mass panic. As for the boy who simply ate his lunch, he was thinking about what he'd be eating for dinner later that night.