The Tough Situation Turned into A Desperate One

Rigo then moved to secure the scepter. The scepter was lying on the navigation unit calmly like a piece of dead wood, however Rigo felt some weird surge of energy once he held it.

That meant there was a hidden source of power that was way greater than his own. Rigo was a humanoid, a war made droid specific for killing and excellent at warfare.

His energy core was something that couldn't be taken lightly, and as far as he knew there were rare sources of energy out there in the universe that could rival his.

His energy source could provide energy to a whole world for a century, that made him more wary of this scepter. Thinking there was another one on the other cruiser made him feel astonished.

To make him, his Rojedia empire had spent great effort just to make him. The other droids had unique sources of energy too, however none was even half like him.