Who Is the Terases Race After?

"The empire she came from isn't part of this star sector, and I don't mean the small sectors, but the grand sector," he started his talk with this simple, yet important info. Unfortunately for him, they also suspected this as well.

"We also suspected that," James sighed, as he started to be sick of this man's attitude.

"So you also know what a grand sector is?" Charles chuckled, as he was sure if they knew this info, then it would be easy for them to know everything about her.

And he was right in his guess, as the eyes of everyone were fixed on him, so he waited, and said nothing.

"And?!" James urged him.

"You didn't tell me if you know or don't know this."

James sighed, it was tedious, dealing with this man. "We don't, can you tell us everything you know," when Charles kept looking at him, he added, "please?"