Meet Stefanie (R-18)

James didn't know what he was doing, but he was following his guts feelings. The moment he sat and closed up his eyes, he felt his consciousness being transported into a strange tunnel, to end by himself standing in a very spacious strange room.

The room seemed small, but when he glanced at it he felt how vast it was. It was a contradictory feeling, and he never recognized this room ever in his life.

The entire room was built out of wood, the floor, the walls, the ceiling; even the decorations were made entirely of wood. What he also noticed was that half of the room was dark, covered with a veil of black fog masking every single detail out of his eyes, while the other was covered by white fog.

He could see things, but couldn't make sure of its identity or see the exact details of it; making him like he was seeing nothing at all!

Strange, this is what he was feeling right now.

"Quite odd, right?"