The War Development

Rigo was sitting inside his cruiser when they finally reached their destination. "Spread the word, let the fleet divide according to the plan," he said to his droids while glancing over the system up front on the hologram.

"If we manage to control this system early on, we will be able to cause great stir in the Terases empire," he smiled while the fleet started to divide into smaller groups, each headed towards one direction fast.

The distance between the planets in this system wasn't much, only one day was required to jump from one end to another. The two grand fleets used in this war had their engines upgraded, making their travel speed much faster than before.

"Report," one of the droids hurried to say, "many fleet ships are coming our way."

"They have a fleet stationed here?" Rigo was surprised before adding, "scout them and send me a detailed report fast!"