Chapter 113: Target 1 secured

In less than a breath of time both kids, reached their targets and slipping behind their backs they knocked them out with a powerful kick on their back of the head.

It was a really clean and natural neutralizing that made Tianlong Yun stunned at the kids talent but there was still to come because in the time he had given them there were 20 clean knock outs in the surroundings, cleaning the place.

It was right the twins had taken out 20 people because that was the correct number, Tianlong Yun wanted to test their skills fully that's why he lied about the real number of the sleeping cells.

But they didn't disappoint him, furthermore their natural talent in hiding, sliding through the weak points and silent neutralization was top notch. What more could you require in a shadow killer, and furthermore there were two of them, identical to each other.