Chapter 157: EITS is everywhere..

He turned towards the maids behind Qin Bao and said,

Tianlong Yun:"As for you two, I have another job. Something that suits you two better. I will give your instructions later. Let's meet at the Chu Mansion tomorrow."

The two maids were startled they didn't expect such a thing, they had never thought leaving Qin Bao's side. They were thinking of just staying by her side, and guard her, from any idiot.

Just when they were about to say anything, Tianlong Yun spoke before them,

Tianlong Yun:"There is no need for you to be here, she will be safer with the shadows and everyone. And if you want to be here to protect her from me, then you are too late, her life is already mine. Furthermore I am certain that will love what I have in mind for you."

The two maids were startled, but there was the truth in his words, they were useless in here. There was no use of them being here now. Truth to be told they had missed the action so much.