Chapter 217: Playing time [R-18]

She couldn't help but look towards that big monster that Qin Bao was playing with. She had never seen anything that big.

Her ex-husband Feng Tao was no way close to that, that's for sure, but even her new Master and lover wasn't comparable to that.

It was really big, and it looked really tasty because Qin Bao was making so hard slurping sounds as if she didn't want to lose a single drop of tasty saliva that made contact with that monster.

No matter how much she tried, to turn her look away from what was happening, she couldn't. It was like a magnet was pulling her attention in that direction.

 At this moment she also noticed that her secret cave also started to get heated. She couldn't believe herself. She was getting aroused in such a situation, just by looking and imaging.

Imaging that big dragon invading, the deep valley between her big, rounded, soft mountains. Imaging that big dragon invading her mouth, or her secret cave.