Qin Bao:" But of course gentlemen, we have such a good opportunity to place a member of our table beside him.
To monitor him and try to uncover much-needed information for him, his plans, and his ambitions in our country.
So how could I let such a good opportunity go?"
Qin Bao's words made perfect sense. This was a perfect opportunity for her to be a spy beside him. Furthermore, it was something Master Ming Tong himself offered.
But, no matter how much they thought logically at the moment, the three sly foxes in front of her were still unconvinced.
Their instincts were telling them that it wasn't as simple as Qin Bao made it to be. It was too good to be true at the moment, but they could do nothing about it anymore.
Covering their words with poisonous sweet words, Young Master Qing Fang said,
Qing Fang:" Young Miss Qin Bao, let me say that your brilliant mind and intelligence surpass by far your great beauty.