Chapter 281: Qin Bao (Pain and Hunch)

No there was only tiredness and a sense of loss. She had seen Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo have a fight, and she thought it was already terrifying.

But thinking about Tianlong Xia's words that even they were just fireflies in the settings of the Immortal World, she didn't know what to think anymore.

The training she went through today was something she had never thought possible, right now all her body was aching, and she had no energy to even speak.

But this wasn't the end yet, since right now she was in their tent, ready to enter a big wooden bath with a special concoction, it was the body tempering concoction.

Of course, the one she was having was a diluted version, since she couldn't handle the original version, but even then she was feeling a pain that almost made her want to die.

She had to suffer under that for more than half an hour, and Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo didn't seem to have any intention of letting her go out earlier.