Chapter 344: Might makes right!

The moment everyone inside the room heard those words they turned their heads towards the source of the words, to look at the fool who dared to talk in this place.

With the three masters in the podium, none of them were eligible to have a say in this place, some of them didn't even dare to think.

Yet one person had dared to open his mouth and dare to say something in this big meeting where no one dared.

Looking at the guy who spoke a moment ago, the crowd was disappointed to see that he didn't look anything special, he was just an average guy, as a matter of fact, he looked even lower than average.

There were few to no people inside this big room that knew that kid. As facts had it, he was just the descendant of some third rate family.

His name wasn't really important, and nobody would have cared about him before he spoke earlier that is.