Chapter 373: Jayden Smith

Tianlong Yun was thinking of entering the Old Pouch and doing his experiment, but first, he would have to find a safe place for himself to be.

While the members of his Shadow Clan would be the best place to be, he had some other stuff on his mind so he had decided on another person to carry the Old Pouch for some time.

The grand-grand-grandson of Old Man Jenk was the one he was thinking about. This kid was weak, but he had the right arrogance, and also the right background for Tianlong Yun to effectively use him.

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun just spotted him from afar as he was under the tender care of his servant.

The best way for a fake macho man to recollect himself after a lost fight was taking his anger on the weak people and being a bully, or bullying a woman.

Both worked like magic, as the fake macho arrogance would restore, and the guy would feel himself raring to go and face his opponent one more time.