Chapter 380: Leaving the Camp

With that thought in mind, he completely took off his eyes from the four ladies, and said in a serious voice,

"We don't have time to get to know each other right now, firstly pack all of my stuff, and all the necessary things for at least a few months.

Also, keep in mind to not be seen doing that, and neither tell to another soul, otherwise, I won't hesitate to kill any one of you."

The four ladies were clearly surprised, firstly because their debaucherous Young Master was able to control himself in front of them, they had heard that he was just a lusty weak beast under the shadow of the Old Man.

Yet here he was behaving properly in front of them, and that wasn't the only thing that startled them, as they were also surprised by the fact that he seemed to be preparing to leave the camp.

Even though they didn't want to ask him or interact much with him, Alexa couldn't stop her curiosity, as she asked with a low voice,