Chapter 386: Removing Slave Seals

Tianlong Yun was telling them that those four would become his sex-slaves, and all four at the same time.

They were already the servants or slaves of a Master, and by their Master's words, if they dared to remove the seal, or someone else removed it by force they would die.

They didn't understand know Tianlong Yun or his abilities and skills, they only knew that what he was about to do would send them towards their death.

Recollecting themselves after that quick self-reflecting session, all four of them forgot about the shyness and took defensive positions.

They were ready to fight with Tianlong Yun to the death, after all, what he was about to do would give them the same end result.

At least they could fight before dying, these were their thoughts at the moment. And since they didn't know his strength or fighting style, they would first fight while defending.