Chapter 455: Turning the Tables

Even though the pressure on Tianlong Yun was falling, and he was able to recuperate at a faster rate, it was way easier for the level 3 tree who was just robbing from the many sources it had.

No matter how much easier it became for Tianlong Yun to recuperate, in fact, even if he was in his prime condition of recuperating he would still be unable to match the level 3 tree recuperating rate.

With these facts there on the open, it was clear who would be the owner of such a face-off, as pretty soon the level 3 tree was in its primary conditions.

As soon as it returned to its best conditions it was a nor brainer what the level 3 tree would do, as it immediately merged 5 vines into one, and hit the place where Tianlong Yun was sitting in a lotus position.

The vine's target was clear and simple, it was heading towards Tianlong Yun's heart, but that didn't seem to be the only one, as the next instant another merged vine went for his head.