Chapter 490: Aftermath

As he was watching his life pass through his eyes, Tianlong Yun couldn't deny that the scene in front of him was more than amazing.

He was watching two white roaring bolts of lightning falling directly over his head, as a pure white color spread through the whole sky, and came crushing upon him.

Whoever looked at the scene from afar would think that Heavens were showering someone with their favor and luck.

Tianlong Yun just stood in his place and looked at that amazing pure crackling white as it came crashing on his head.

At the moment of the contact, he felt a strangely warm, and comfortable sensation pass through his head, and then his lights were completely shut.

To the outside world for a moment there was total silence, then the powerful noise of the lightning crashing in the ground, it was probably even more powerful than the sound of a nuclear explosion.