Chapter 520: Soul Contract (Let the games begin!)

Seeing the fact that Tianlong Yun was fixing such a stupid game in order to release one or more of them made these Young Masters even more arrogant and cocky.

After all, they were all important personalities, there was no way that they would follow the words of every cheap bastard.

Even if that cheap bastard had outsmarted them, and their whole entourage a few days ago had captured, and then caged them like animals.

The whole crowd was a bit surprised at their reaction, but just a bit, because they all knew what kind of idiots, and bastards these guys were, what mattered right now was Tianlong Yun's reaction.

Different from their expectations though, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to get angry in the least, in fact, he was calm, too calm.

He just looked at the one who just spoke, and said in a calm and natural voice,