Chapter 527: Getting Captured

It was something that she hadn't expected, but the moment she heard it, and its contents the pressure from her immediately evaporated as she immediately regained her composure.

All her worries and problems disappeared at that time as if suddenly the clouds of the cold winter had been dispersed by the warm sun and the cold winter day had turned into a breezy summer day.

Her plans had clearly changed at that point, as she sent a mental message to Irina, giving her the new instructions.

They weren't running anymore, they would get caught. Her new mission was to make their capture as more believable that she could.

Irina was clearly startled by the new directives but she didn't say anything to oppose them, with what she had understood from Tianlong Hu Die was that she was someone really smart, and shrewd.

With the exception of attacking the small group in a fit of rage and anger, she had never taken any other hasty, or wrong step.