Chapter 576: A lunatic roach’s Revenge

But fortunately, or unfortunately, there was no answer to her question, as Young Master Kang seemed to be in a lost cause trance.

He was fully broken! There was no sign of sanity in his eyes, as he was on the edge between life and death.

There was a blood puddle under him, while his lower back seemed to be washed in blood, and fully red, it was perhaps a medical miracle that he hadn't died at that moment.

It was most certainly a gruesome and truly disgusting death, but it wasn't like people could choose their death by their selves.

No one was able to predict the moment, or the way he would die, and Young Master Kang was no different. He couldn't control just how gruesome and disgusting his death would be.

This fact surprised Young Miss Luo too, as she didn't expect him to last until the end, but she thought that it was a roach's feature.