Chapter 684: Entering the Ancestors Graveyard

The aura and pressure of the second Grand Elder seemed to be nearing infinitely close to the next Realm, but it wasn't actually touching upon the next Realm.

That aura and pressure managed to alarm even someone like Tianlong Yun who was inside the Old Pouch, not due to its fierceness and strength but due to the closeness with the next Realm.

Just like anyone could understand the next Realm was nothing else but the God Realm. This second Grand Elder of the Werewolves Clan seemed to be really close to actually reaching the Low God Realm.

As a matter of fact, with Tianlong Yun's knowledge and estimation, the strongest existence on this planet Earth should have been a late 9th level Great Boundary Ascension Realm like Hui Xi Yin and company.

Even though he had already taken the possibility of someone stronger appearing in his plans and estimations, there hadn't been much proof of its possibility.